Chinese Trade

How will China’s punitive trade restrictions against Australia end?
How will China’s punitive trade restrictions against Australia end?
Recent reports of an imminent meeting between Australia’s and China’s trade ministers have raised hopes of progress toward the removal of the trade restrictions that China imposed…
Whoever controls the spice, controls the universe
Whoever controls the spice, controls the universe
In the science-fiction classic Dune, the natural resource of “spice” represents the most valuable commodity in the universe, found only on the desert planet of Arrakis. Spice…
Pakistan and China: An unhappy union in Gwadar
Pakistan and China: An unhappy union in Gwadar
A couple of months back, 70-year-old housewife Masi Zainab asked a charismatic local political leader, Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rehman Baloch, to help mount a protest for the rights of…
Can the China model be accommodated in the CPTPP?
Can the China model be accommodated in the CPTPP?
On 16 September, China officially applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) comprising Australia and 10 other members. The…
When the chips are down: Biden’s semiconductor war
When the chips are down: Biden’s semiconductor war
Export control policy in the semiconductor sector – an industry that supplies the world’s computer, smartphone, appliances and medical equipment industry with electronic chips –…
Why our economy can afford to stand up to China with Belt and Road veto
Why our economy can afford to stand up to China with Belt and Road veto
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. 
Endorsing “self-reliance”, Beijing raises the geopolitical stakes
Endorsing “self-reliance”, Beijing raises the geopolitical stakes
China’s yearly National People’s Congress (NPC), which convened last week in Beijing, generated more attention than usual. Most of the headlines focused on the confab’s decisions…
China cannot have it both ways on trade
China cannot have it both ways on trade
Beijing's tactic of using trade as a political stick against Australia will not impress the rest of the world. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
China and the Rules‑Based Order
China and the Rules‑Based Order
Seven experts debate China’s approach to the rules‑based international order
Debunking the myth of China’s “debt-trap diplomacy”
Debunking the myth of China’s “debt-trap diplomacy”
Against the fear and distrust that increasingly characterise Australia’s relationship with China, the Belt and Road Initiative looms large. Australian politicians from both major…