Chinese Trade

Business, government must engage on international trade policy
Business, government must engage on international trade policy
Originally published in The Australian.
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
The World Trade Organization: An Optimistic Pre-mortem in Hopes of Resurrection
At a time when stability and predictability are needed most, the body at the heart of the rules-based trading system — the World Trade Organization — is reeling from far more than…
Social credit: The next China risk for Australian business
Social credit: The next China risk for Australian business
As China recovers from the Covid-19 crisis, the apparatus of the state is about to be devoted to a new form of social control. By the end of 2020, China plans to introduce its…
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
China has displaced the United States from its traditional dominance as a major trading partner for most countries of the world.
Averting a global calamity? Trump and Xi at the G20
Research Notes
Averting a global calamity? Trump and Xi at the G20
The outlines of a trade deal between the United States and China are there. But without a return to the negotiating table, the dispute could rapidly escalate,…
Economic conflict between America and China: A truce declared, the talks begin
Economic conflict between America and China: A truce declared, the talks begin
The real issue in the US–China trade negotiation is the dramatic change in China’s economy evident over the past decade.
Decoupling from China: cutting the Gordian Knot
Decoupling from China: cutting the Gordian Knot
The conviction that the interests of the US and China are fundamentally incompatible is gathering weight in Washington, as a consensus for confrontation with Beijing takes hold…
China’s cobalt conundrum in Congo
China’s cobalt conundrum in Congo
More than half of the cobalt that goes into phone batteries and electric vehicles worldwide – 66,000 of 123,000 tons produced in 2016 – is sourced from the Democratic Republic of…
Economic diplomacy brief: Trump turns global, Pacific aid, Chinese tourism, and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Trump turns global, Pacific aid, Chinese tourism, and more
Davos men With the North Korean nuclear threat seemingly sidelined until after the Winter Olympics at least, this geopolitical year is starting in a curiously similar way to last…
Xi saves sea slugs on the sea floor
Xi saves sea slugs on the sea floor
This post is based on Episode 16 of The Little Red Podcast, featuring Kate Barclay and Michael Fabinyi of the University of Technology, Sydney. My first culinary meeting with a…