
Covid-19 responses: Why feminist leadership matters in a crisis
Covid-19 responses: Why feminist leadership matters in a crisis
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and, as seen by the actions of the White House and even our own Australian government, the usual mandates for gender balance…
The balance between medicine and economics
The balance between medicine and economics
Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Stephen Grenville asks if the policy response to Covid-19 strikes the right balance in the debate between epidemiologists and…
Indonesia: The rally of a community facing a coronavirus threat
Indonesia: The rally of a community facing a coronavirus threat
Indonesians are brilliant in a crisis. In many ways, they have to be, in a country that unfortunately experiences more than its fair share of tragedy. Sitting on the “Ring of Fire…
BBC Dad has learned a thing or two about working from home
BBC Dad has learned a thing or two about working from home
Three years ago, my family and I briefly became famous for a blooper which became an online sensation. I was speaking on BBC News about South Korean politics. My young children…
Doom surfing and fact checkers prosper in Covid-19 infodemic
Doom surfing and fact checkers prosper in Covid-19 infodemic
Several terms have taken on newfound meaning in the grip of coronavirus. “Doom surfing” is one, to describe those who seem unable to remove themselves from…
Coronavirus and the threat to South Asian democracy
Coronavirus and the threat to South Asian democracy
Like the rest of the world, much of South Asia’s 1.89 billion population is now under lockdown to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. While Western citizens can, for…
No planes or cruise ships – a crucial regional industry will need aid
No planes or cruise ships – a crucial regional industry will need aid
Airlines are cancelling up to 90% of flights due to the rapid decline in travel brought on by Covid-19. Most of the world is being encouraged, or ordered, not to fly, and…
COVIDcast Episode 4: Crisis looms in Southeast Asia
COVIDcast Episode 4: Crisis looms in Southeast Asia
People collapsing in the street with respiratory problems. Doctors forced to use raincoats in place of proper protective equipment. And one of the world’s highest reported death…
Lockdown: A dilemma for the economic optimists
Lockdown: A dilemma for the economic optimists
Everyone – including economists themselves – jokes about economic forecasting failures. But the intrinsic difficulties are compounded for the international economic agencies,…
COVIDcast Episode 4: Crisis looms in Southeast Asia
COVIDcast Episode 4: Crisis looms in Southeast Asia
COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast for anyone interested in understanding the effect of coronavirus on global politics. Each week for the next few weeks, Lowy Institute…