
The public judgment of South Korea’s Covid-19 response
The public judgment of South Korea’s Covid-19 response
Compared to many countries, South Korea has taken aggressive measures to address the outbreak of Covid-19. Most notable is its incredibly widespread testing: as of the most recent…
After coronavirus: Where the world economy will stand
After coronavirus: Where the world economy will stand
For all the drama of collapsing output, demand, and jobs in Australia and many economies around the globe, we should expect that output in most countries will begin to recover…
In the shadow of a pandemic, political calamity grips Afghanistan
In the shadow of a pandemic, political calamity grips Afghanistan
The coronavirus pandemic has been dominating international news and monopolising the time of governments across the world as they scramble to respond and prepare. In the midst of…
An Australian in New York with a warning about the weeks ahead
An Australian in New York with a warning about the weeks ahead
After he reluctantly advised Americans to stay off the streets and businesses to let their staff work from home, US President Donald Trump’s commitment to fighting the coronavirus…
Economic diplomacy: Fighting global pandemics from the G20 to ASEAN
Economic diplomacy: Fighting global pandemics from the G20 to ASEAN
Digital mates The online summit between the leaders of Singapore and Australia on Monday didn’t get much attention amid a stock market meltdown and tensions within Australia’s…
The government's bazooka is biggest, not the RBA's
The government's bazooka is biggest, not the RBA's
Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Stephen Grenville evaluates the RBA's response to COVID-19. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
What the G20 needs to deliver
What the G20 needs to deliver
The Covid-19 outbreak has rapidly gone from a crisis for China to a crisis for the world. The pandemic is desperately crying out for international leadership. So far that has…
Aid links: Coronavirus and the developing world
Aid links: Coronavirus and the developing world
Millions of people in the developing world are at risk from coronavirus. These countries lack the economic resources and medical infrastructure of their more developed…
Australia can’t let foreign aid fall victim to Covid-19
Australia can’t let foreign aid fall victim to Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic comes precisely at a time when Australia needs to keep sight of our Pacific neighbours and to offer strategic support and help in dire times. With the 2020…
Disinformation and coronavirus
Disinformation and coronavirus
The best way to prevent the novel coronavirus? Eating garlic. Or actually, try traditional Chinese medicine. In case you hadn’t heard, a vaccine already exists but the United…