Cyber Security

To effectively counter ISIS online, we need a narrative
Back in April, Fergus Hanson highlighted the glaring need for a global response to ISIS in the cyber domain, and welcomed the announcement of an $18 million initiative to counter…
Digital Asia links: Instagram influencers, Hacking Team, encrypted FireChat, clickbait nationalism and more
The Asia Pacific is the most dynamic digital landscape in the world, home to the fastest adopters of new technologies and the largest concentration of mobile and social media…
Liberalism, China and the internet
'It's not that laws aren't relevant' said MIT Media Lab co-founder Nicholas Negroponte during the 1990s, 'it's that the nation-state is not relevant...The internet cannot be…
Digital Asia links: PLA on cyber sovereignty, Japan's Twitter culture, Pakistan tech and more
The Asia Pacific is the most dynamic digital landscape in the world, home to the fastest adopters of new technologies and the largest concentration of mobile and social media…
China's dangerous cyberwar strategy
There's an 'Uber for X', goes the little ditty, celebrating the ubiquitous infiltration of the online 'sharing economy.' It seems Uber's business model can be turned to virtually…
Countering ISIS online
When you look at the global response to the threat of ISIS, a glaring gap is the cyber domain. The internet has been critical to the terrorist group's success. It allows it to…
Will space and cyber operations affect ADF force structure?
Over the past month, The Interpreter has hosted a debate on Australian defence strategy initiated by Alan Dupont's Lowy analysis paper, Full-Spectrum Defence. The discussion so…
Quick comment: Rory Medcalf on Australia's security challenges
This week’s Quick Comment podcast is with the new head of ANU’s National Security College and Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow, Professor Rory Medcalf, who last night delivered a…
Full spectrum defence: Re-thinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy
Full spectrum defence: Re-thinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy
In this Analysis, Alan Dupont argues that successive Australian governments have failed to define an effective national defence strategy. Australia needs a defence strategy that…
North Korea's emerging cyber capabilities
The cyber attack on Sony Pictures by North Korea in response to the film The Interview (which opens in Australian cinemas today; see my review) came after a series of North Korean…