Cyber Security

Australians can now go see 'The Interview', but they probably shouldn't
It has been almost two months since The Interview was released online, but it is due to hit Australian cinemas tomorrow. The critical consensus seems to be that the film is…
The dark side of a fully wired world
The dark side of a fully wired world
The dark side of a fully wired worldAlan DupontThe Australian7 February 2015Please click here for the online text.Alan Dupont
Cyberwar and war in space: Making SSBNs more dangerous
As several participants in our debate have argued, nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) can have a positive effect on strategic stability in Asia and globally. But they do…
Data sovereignty: Up in the clouds
The surprise recent decision of the European Court of Justice to make Google responsible for removing search result information demonstrates the ambiguous sovereignty of online…
Cyber espionage and US-China relations: The world's biggest candy store
Don't believe anything you read on the cyber espionage spat between US and China. Depending on who's talking, the US is a 'thief crying stop thief' and a 'mincing rascal'; or…
US indictment of Chinese hackers: No way out
On 19 May, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted five officers of People's Liberation Army (PLA) on charges of hacking the computers of six US entities to benefit China's…
Democratic oversight of intelligence agencies: A primer
Revelations about mass intelligence gathering by the US and its allies serve the useful purpose of highlighting the need for, and proper role of, intelligence oversight in…
The silence of the lambs: The public service, leaks, and whistleblowing in Australia
It is little wonder that it was an Australian, Julian Assange, who set up the world's first secrecy leaking website, WikiLeaks. And it should be equally unsurprising that the…
Snowden and the struggle for new cyber-surveillance rules
It's 7:15am and you're in a conference room, the same room you sit in every working morning. At the head of the table sits the head of your country's domestic security service…
Australia needs a cyber white paper
The idea of cyberspace as a common global good has yet to find its place in Australia.  Ensuring that sea lanes remain open for navigation throughout the Indo-Pacific was a…