
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Seventy-five years after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put beyond argument that nuclear weapons are the most indiscriminately inhumane ever devised, the distressing…
For all its bluster, China knows Australia isn't merely doing the bidding of the US
For all its bluster, China knows Australia isn't merely doing the bidding of the US
There are signs that Beijing recognises Australia’s positions on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang are based on its own interests. Originally published in The Guardian.
Beijing hard-liners kick against Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy
Beijing hard-liners kick against Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy
Foreign policy hawks concede that current strategy is winning China no new friends. Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review. 
Five Eyes: Blurring the lines between intelligence and policy
Five Eyes: Blurring the lines between intelligence and policy
The public aura around the decades-old “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing partnership between Australia, the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand has expanded rapidly since the name was…
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Originally published in The Australian.
Turkey: Not a team player
Turkey: Not a team player
Turkey is increasingly becoming the piece of the NATO puzzle that just won’t fit. President Recep Erdoğan’s particular brand of Turkish nationalist populism has earned him…
The Risks of China’s Ambitions in the South Pacific
The Risks of China’s Ambitions in the South Pacific
Originally published by The Brookings Institution as part of its Global China series assessing China's growing role in the world. 
DFAT cuts show our foreign policy's khaki tinge
DFAT cuts show our foreign policy's khaki tinge
Underinvestment in diplomacy suggests Australia is more eager to defend against a disorderly world than to try to reshape it. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
COVIDcast: Malcolm Turnbull on geopolitics and the pandemic
COVIDcast: Malcolm Turnbull on geopolitics and the pandemic
In this episode of COVIDcast, Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Power and Diplomacy Program at the Lowy Institute, sat down with the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of…
Putting study abroad on ice carries a diplomatic cost
Putting study abroad on ice carries a diplomatic cost
With global travel slashed to a bare minimum early in the Covid-19 pandemic, study abroad programs were among the first Australian organisations outside hospitality and retail to…