
Favourites of 2019: Richard Holbrooke, “almost great”
Favourites of 2019: Richard Holbrooke, “almost great”
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. My favourite book of 2019 was Our Man:…
International Public Broadcasting: A Missed Opportunity For Projecting Australia’s Soft Power
International Public Broadcasting: A Missed Opportunity For Projecting Australia’s Soft Power
Australia’s depleted international broadcasting is impairing the projection of Australia’s soft power at a time when government is seeking to increase its regional influence,…
Favourites of 2019: ABC primetime returns to the Pacific
Favourites of 2019: ABC primetime returns to the Pacific
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. Earlier this month, Australia’s…
Chart of the week: Where countries lie abroad
Chart of the week: Where countries lie abroad
How many – and where – diplomatic missions are established can be an important signal of priorities and challenges for a country’s foreign policy. For example, of the 61 countries…
The 2019 Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
The 2019 Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
Visualising the diplomatic networks of 61 G20, OECD and Asian countries and territories. Bonnie Bley
World diplomacy stocktake: A shifting of the ranks
World diplomacy stocktake: A shifting of the ranks
Diplomats around the world are keeping busy. In an era where you’d be forgiven for thinking chequebook diplomacy, digital diplomacy, cricket diplomacy, and – of course – Twitter…
China, media freedom in the Pacific, and the great Australian silence
China, media freedom in the Pacific, and the great Australian silence
The refusal of the Vanuatu government to allow high-profile Vanuatu-based journalist to fly home on Saturday has given a sharper edge to concerns about a wider trend of attacks on…
ABC: Australia’s waning soft-power star
ABC: Australia’s waning soft-power star
As the ABC chair Ita Buttrose reminded the audience at the weekend’s Lowy Institute Media Awards dinner, this year marks 80 years since Australia started broadcasting…
Papua New Guinea’s untold media freedom challenge
Papua New Guinea’s untold media freedom challenge
This article is based on the podcast series “Developing” featuring interviews with PNG journalists, industry leaders, and politicians. Papua New Guinea has gained a…
Dispatches from the front (row)
Dispatches from the front (row)
Only last week The Interpreter featured an article about the pitfalls of importing a major international sporting event into a country that didn’t have enough domestic interest or…