
A podium protest aimed at swimming’s administrators, not China
A podium protest aimed at swimming’s administrators, not China
The World Aquatics Championships in Gwangju clearly won gold in the race for sporting headlines these last few days. Just like the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics last year, it seemed…
The embattled envoy and the need for frank assessment
The embattled envoy and the need for frank assessment
Kim Darroch endured a torrid week, quitting his post as Britain’s ambassador to Washington following a devastating leak of his confidential dispatches about the Court of Trump. He…
Progress of women in diplomacy a point of pride for DFAT
Progress of women in diplomacy a point of pride for DFAT
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has a longstanding commitment to achieving gender equality. We have made great progress supporting women in leadership and it is a…
Women yet to smash glass ceiling in Australian diplomacy and security
Women yet to smash glass ceiling in Australian diplomacy and security
Around the world, the fields of diplomacy, defence and intelligence – those jobs that underpin so much of how governments engage with one another – have long been male…
Foreign territory: Women in international relations
Foreign territory: Women in international relations
A three-year study has revealed severe gender imbalances in Australia’s international relations sector, despite some prominent trailblazers.
A sea ride with Australia’s Indo-Pacific Endeavour
A sea ride with Australia’s Indo-Pacific Endeavour
When the Australian Defence Force first dispatched its flotilla known as the “Indo-Pacific Endeavour”, the then Defence minister Christopher Pyne touted the regional drills as…
After the Australian election: the China test
After the Australian election: the China test
Governments in Australia are judged, in part, by their handling of the relationship with China. And while foreign policy has barely featured in Australia’s election campaign, the…
Simplistic and wrong to say the ABC is missing from Pacific coverage
Simplistic and wrong to say the ABC is missing from Pacific coverage
I was surprised and disturbed The Interpreter published the recent article (Australian media: missing in action on Bougainville) which included claims of a “paucity of…
Why reciprocity matters: the US Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act
Why reciprocity matters: the US Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act
Western governments have long complained about the lack of reciprocity in dealing with China. As the traditional basis for international relations, reciprocity suggests that…
Political leadership versus diplomacy
Political leadership versus diplomacy
Following the Trump-Kim summits and a gush of commentary on “presidential diplomacy”, “face-to-face diplomacy”, “summit diplomacy”, and even “Trumpian diplomacy”, we’ve…