
Armenian genocide forgotten in ANZAC commemorations
'Camp out on the school oval under the stars like the ANZACS did 100 years ago,' says the flyer sent home from my son's school last week. On 24 April 2015, 100 years after the…
Australia and climate change negotiations: at the table, or on the menu?
Australia and climate change negotiations: at the table, or on the menu?
In this Analysis, Howard Bamsey and Kath Rowley argue that any failure to pay proper, high-level attention to the current international climate change negotiations raises several…
Don't turn away from Vanuatu's destruction
Don't turn away from Vanuatu's destruction
Don't turn away from Vanuatu's destructionJenny Hayward-JonesABC The Drum17 March 2015Please click here for the online text.Jenny Hayward-Jones
Israel's election: Nobody likes Bibi, but everyone votes for him
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for early elections last December there was a schizophrenic character to a lot of the analysis. Most observers thought Bibi…
China and the AIIB: Towards a new rules-based order?
Australia's likely decision to become a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) marks the loosening of America's 70 year command over global governance…
Australia-Laos rights dialogue: More than just rhetoric needed
For many Australians, Laos is a scenic, off-the-beaten path, holiday destination for adventurous travellers. Relatively few know that it's also a repressive one-party state with…
Tough road for Asia's women activists
On 3 March, Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said, 'We must use the celebration of International Women's Day to highlight the plight of women still fighting for freedom…
Indonesians against the death penalty
As we learned from a recent Lowy Institute poll, 62% of Australians oppose the use of the death penalty in the case of Bali Nine members Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in…
Australia needs to start thinking globally about national security
ISIS and submarines are the two big fashionable defence and national security concerns at the moment. When combined, they make it evident that there is need for a considerable…
Under the Dome and India's Daughter: Documentaries stir powerful online reaction in Asia
Conflict has broken out across Asia. Militaries aren't involved and there are unlikely to be human casualties, but this conflict is already re-shaping our most important partners…