
ABC and SBS cuts: Australia's loss in a global century
The $254 million in cuts to the ABC budget, outlined today by ABC Chief Executive Mark Scott after Malcolm Turnbull's statement on Wednesday, have been coming for a long time – at…
Why the Iran nuclear talks are mostly not about nuclear weapons (part 2)
Part 1 of this two-part series here. I would argue that, for the Obama Administration, a nuclear deal with Iran is central to its recalibration of America's policy and posture in…
New Caledonia: Australia must show assertive impartiality
Thirty years ago to the week, New Caledonia was torn apart by violent protests. The pro-independence FLNKS boycotted an election and town halls were burned throughout the country…
Modi in Australia: An unprecedented level of engagement
Narendra Modi has just concluded his first visit to Australia, the first by any Indian prime minister in 28 years. Combined with Prime Minister Abbott's visit to India in…
Adolescent Australia's road to adulthood
In his new Lowy Institute Paper, Peter Hartcher is correct when he writes that Australia is an adolescent country. However, I believe the roots of our adolescent behaviour lie…
How the East Asia Summit can achieve its potential
Asia's summit season kicks off this week with the 20th APEC 'economic leaders' meeting in Beijing. The region's political jamborees have become very cluttered of late and leaders…
The case for Pacific Island regionalism
A few months ago I stood on a beach in Tarawa, the most populous of islands comprising the Micronesian nation of Kiribati. It's long and thin sliver of land where you can walk…
'The Embassy' and DFAT's consular role: Helping Australians travel smarter
By Justin Brown, acting Deputy Secretary of DFAT with responsibility for consular, passports, corporate administration and information management. He has been Australia's High…
Australia and the AIIB: A lost opportunity
The debate about whether Australia should join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has gone beyond the realm of economic development and investment to hit at the core…
What did we learn from the 'Kim Jong-un has disappeared' hysteria?
For six weeks, from 3 September to 14 October, Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, disappeared from view. The rumours it triggered became increasingly outlandish. He was dead…