
Threatening Russia with G20 cold-shoulder won't solve anything, but may hobble G20
Co-authored by Hugh Jorgensen. What are the implications of Russia's action in the Ukraine for the G20? Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she is considering refusing…
The case against Assange and Snowden
Get comfortable before you tackle this epic portrait of Julian Assange by his ghost-writer, Andrew O'Hagan. The author writes more in sadness than in anger because he is clearly…
Spying row: Why Indonesia is tougher on Canberra than on Washington
Australia has copped the ire and sarcasm of Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa over fresh spying allegations reported in the New York Times last weekend. Meanwhile, the…
Shrinking the distance
Shrinking the distance
In this opinion piece for The Indian Express, Rory Medcalf explores prospects for deepening Australia-India relations as discussed at the 2014 Australia-India Roundtable…
2014 Australia-India Roundtable: Outcomes Statement
2014 Australia-India Roundtable: Outcomes Statement
Relations between India and Australia have reached a new maturity, based on deepening connections between their societies, economies, education sectors and policy establishments…
Lessons for Australia from the Swiss referendum on immigration quotas
On Sunday, a referendum proposal to re-introduce strict quotas for immigration from European Union countries was passed in Switzerland by a tiny majority of 50.3% of voters. The…
Joe Hockey to the G20: 'Do less, focus more, get outcomes'
Treasurer Joe Hockey's speech at the Lowy Institute today picked up on, and in some areas expanded upon, many of the issues raised in Prime Minister Abbott's G20 address in Davos…
International events in 2014 will test Australian Government's climate credibility
After its first few months, the Abbott Government's domestic and international climate credibility is threadbare, as is its commitment to commercialising clean energy alternatives…
East China Sea: Is Australia hitting the 'pause' button on the Japan relationship?
Maybe Robert E Kelly is right that there has been too much gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes over the very short change given to Asia in Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the…
Syria and the Geneva conference
The so-called Geneva II conference ended last Friday.  The key to any negotiation regarding Syria is to aim low and keep one's expectations realistic. It is fair to say that UN…