
Spying on Kristiani Herawati: A loss of judgement
The Weekend Australian carried a ‘well-sourced’ article defending our listening in on Kristiani Herawati, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's wife. Quoting the usual …
United States-New Zealand Relations: Where to in 2014?
United States-New Zealand Relations: Where to in 2014?
In this guest post for cogitAsia, Jack Georgieff asks whether a change of government at next year's general election in New Zealand could lead to a cooling in relations with…
Abbott's failure to listen escalates spying row
Abbott's failure to listen escalates spying row
In an opinion piece in The Drum, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae says that Tony Abbott's failure to proactively defuse the spying row with Indonesia has…
China throws away a chance to lead
China throws away a chance to lead
In this piece for the Wall Street Journal, Rory Medcalf argues that China has allowed its territorial dispute in the South China Sea to distort its diplomatic response to Typhoon…
History of shared sacrifice unites India, Australia
History of shared sacrifice unites India, Australia
In this article for The Australian, Rory Medcalf argues that Australia must look to its growing and influential Indian diaspora communities in order to build the…
Lowy Lecture Series: 'Indo-Pacific balancing act - In search of a middle power coalition' by Dr C. Raja Mohan
Lowy Lecture Series: 'Indo-Pacific balancing act - In search of a middle power coalition' by Dr C. Raja Mohan
On 9 October 2013, leading Indian strategic thinker and Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Dr C Raja Mohan delivered a public lecture on the prospects of developing a middle…
India's subtle China strategy
India's subtle China strategy
In this article for The National Interest, Danielle Rajendram argues that India deserves more credit for the way it has managed its relations with China in the face of…
The Indo-Pacific: What's in a name?
The Indo-Pacific: What's in a name?
In this essay in The American Interest, the Lowy Institute’s Rory Medcalf explains the rise of an Indo-Pacific conception of Asia. He argues that this emerging maritime…
Pivot to Asia has not fallen off its axis
Pivot to Asia has not fallen off its axis
In this piece for the Australian, Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Alan Dupont examines President Obama's absence from APEC and the East Asia Summit in the context of…
Australia, Asia and the West
Australia, Asia and the West
In this article for Aspenia Online, Rory Medcalf examines the foreign policy challenges facing the Abbott government, arguing that it must focus on charting a secure course…