European Union

European defence policy after Trump and Brexit
European defence policy after Trump and Brexit
While international attention, especially from financial markets, is focused on how well nationalist-populist right movements in various EU member states perform in upcoming…
Theresa May’s Brexit cherry-picking is doomed to fail
Theresa May’s Brexit cherry-picking is doomed to fail
In her two recent Brexit speeches, one delivered in London to the representatives of the 27 other EU-members and a second delivered two days later at Davos, May insisted that she…
The British left must rediscover its internationalism
The British left must rediscover its internationalism
When the United Kingdom first applied to join the European Common Market in the 1960s, the great Clement Attlee, former Labour PM, rose in the House of Lords to argue against…
EU-Turkey relations: A decade of reversals
EU-Turkey relations: A decade of reversals
After the European parliament’s overwhelming vote to freeze Turkey’s EU accession process, the European Council summit that will get underway later today in Brussels will debate…
Italy: Pressure for popular vote to force electoral law reform
Italy: Pressure for popular vote to force electoral law reform
Following the resounding defeat Prime Minister Matteo Renzi suffered at last week’s referendum, Italy has entered a period of political unpredictability. Renzi had pinned his…
Renzi's referendum and the future of the euro
Renzi's referendum and the future of the euro
On Sunday, Italians resoundingly rejected the constitutional changes put to them by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Formally, the referendum sought to curtail the powers of…
EU-Turkey deal: Coming to terms with the 'appification' of migration
The EU-Turkey deal has been widely criticised for being potentially illegal and immoral as well as unworkable. Others have pointed to the grubbiness of the negotiations and the…