European Union

Europe hasn’t fallen for China – if anything, it’s the opposite
Europe hasn’t fallen for China – if anything, it’s the opposite
Gains for China’s reputation in Europe from Beijing’s spectacular PR-actions in the fight against the coronavirus will be short-lived. Covid-19 has not shifted the geopolitical…
Covid-19 and migration: Europe must resist a populist pill
Covid-19 and migration: Europe must resist a populist pill
Last week, the European Union closed all Schengen area borders in an attempt to stem the coronavirus pandemic, of which the Old Continent is now the epicentre. This drastic…
Europe under threat
Europe under threat
The novel coronavirus Covid-19 dominates not only the media headlines in Europe but the everyday life of just about anybody. In the federalist European Union, it is still up to…
Brexit: “Do or die”
Brexit: “Do or die”
Over the past few weeks, breathless British journalists have published verbatim the private words and long missives of a person known as “No. 10 Source”, who on close inspection…
Brexit: Deal or no deal
Brexit: Deal or no deal
On 31 October, the UK is once again due to leave the European Union. This is the third such deadline this year. It is possible that there will be a fourth, should the European…
Houses divided
Houses divided
Many of The Interpreter’s readers are experts on the theory and conduct of international relations. So, quite reasonably, they look at armed conflict through the lens of inter…
“Security Brexit”: Johnson follows Trump in the Persian Gulf
“Security Brexit”: Johnson follows Trump in the Persian Gulf
In aligning himself with US President Donald Trump with regard to policing the Persian Gulf, new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has abandoned any pretence that his type of…
Europe and the Anglosphere drifting apart
Europe and the Anglosphere drifting apart
Beyond the somewhat confusing continental results of this month’s elections to the European Parliament, a longstanding trend becomes clearer. Britain is trying to go alone on…
The last straw for Theresa May
The last straw for Theresa May
After Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and David Cameron, Theresa May is the latest Conservative Prime Minister to have been undermined by her inability to manage the divisions…
The greatest British political crisis of modern times
The greatest British political crisis of modern times
Brexit appears to be approaching a bewildering denouement. Prime Minister Theresa May has reached a dead end with a negotiated deal that met the criteria for leaving the…