Global Economy

US-China trade talks: No deal yet, but a breakthrough of sorts
US-China trade talks: No deal yet, but a breakthrough of sorts
It is only a start, but the Friday trade talks agreement between China and the US is still the best news for the world economy in the almost three years since Donald Trump won the…
Economic diplomacy: Auditing globalism, trade woes, ASEAN’s future
Economic diplomacy: Auditing globalism, trade woes, ASEAN’s future
Dismal science Revision season is well underway at the top of the institutions that underpin the globalised economy, those same institutions now in the cross hairs of Prime…
India’s RCEP reticence
India’s RCEP reticence
Despite the modern proliferation of free trade agreements, there is an enormous gap between free trade as it is understood and advocated by those who benefit from it, and free…
A light amid the gloom of the US-China trade war
A light amid the gloom of the US-China trade war
Despite an optimistic bounce in global financial markets Friday, the relentless trade war between the US and China resumed Sunday. Threatened 15% tariffs by the US on another $250…
Economic diplomacy: Exporting education, tapping Vossies, more
Economic diplomacy: Exporting education, tapping Vossies, more
Study this It was only about a decade ago that some economists started declaring that the price of iron ore was the single most important indicator of the outlook for the export…
Economic diplomacy: China dependency and a notable departure
Economic diplomacy: China dependency and a notable departure
Switch hitting If Australia’s senior international ministers were surprised by the sharpness of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s approach to economic dependence on China at…
China’s “currency manipulation” in context
China’s “currency manipulation” in context
Commentators are unanimous in noting the illogical nature of the US Treasury’s recent designation of China as a “currency manipulator”. It fits only one of the Treasury’s own…
US, China now have a three-week window to avert trade talks collapse
US, China now have a three-week window to avert trade talks collapse
After a week of turmoil following President Donald Trump’s decision to impose additional tariffs on imports from China, global markets are cheerful again. Shares are recovering…
China-US currency clash: Who’s manipulating who?
China-US currency clash: Who’s manipulating who?
The United States has labelled China a currency manipulator. The move sent shock waves through markets early this week and left many speculating what may come next. Trump has…
Coordinating with America to pressure China on trade
Coordinating with America to pressure China on trade
While President Donald Trump’s bull-in-a-China-shop approach to reforming international trade doesn’t appeal, it is possible that some of his objectives might make sense. This was…