Global Economy

Missing in action: The G20 in the Covid crisis
Missing in action: The G20 in the Covid crisis
As the Covid-19 pandemic deepens, the need for international cooperation to deal with the twin health and economic crises has been highlighted. While much is made of the failings…
The complex consequences of a plunging oil price
The complex consequences of a plunging oil price
Oil made headlines around the world again today, with US oil prices falling below zero for the first time. So what does it mean? Three perspectives can help to make sense of the…
The facts about global trade in face masks, ventilators and test kits
The facts about global trade in face masks, ventilators and test kits
What impact will coronavirus have on economic globalisation, the force that has so momentously changed our world over the last half century? An early example is the global trade…
Flattening the economy costs lives, livelihoods and freedoms, too
Flattening the economy costs lives, livelihoods and freedoms, too
Confronted by the coronavirus pandemic as a “black swan” event, most countries have chosen the hard suppression strategy with variably stringent lockdown measures. This is based…
COVIDcast Episode 7: The cost to the international economy
COVIDcast Episode 7: The cost to the international economy
In this episode of COVIDcast, Roland Rajah sat down with the Institute’s Director of Research Alex Oliver to discuss the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy. Roland is…
Trading our way out of the Covid-19 lockdown
Trading our way out of the Covid-19 lockdown
To emerge in the best way possible from the Covid-19 pandemic requires us to understand the nature of the economic crisis. Our slowdown has arisen from deliberately-introduced…
The World After COVID
The World After COVID
How will the COVID-19 pandemic change the world? Lowy Institute experts provide their analysis.
Economic diplomacy: foreign investment under Covid, supply chain kinks
Economic diplomacy: foreign investment under Covid, supply chain kinks
World beating When the Australian government asserted control over all new foreign investment two weeks ago in response to Covid-19, the move was sugar-coated with the…
The World After COVID‑19
The World After COVID‑19
  How will the coronavirus pandemic change the world? Lowy Institute experts provide their analysis.
We’re all socialists now
We’re all socialists now
Of all the people who might have been expected to emerge from the current coronavirus crisis with their reputations enhanced, I don’t think many would have nominated Karl Marx. …