Global Economy

Which countries are driving global growth?
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. With the G20 focused on increasing economic growth, it's worth remembering where the global action is. The above graph from the IMF…
Will Ebola take centre stage at the Brisbane G20 Summit?
While the media focus has been on the possible confrontation between Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming Brisbane G20 Summit, it is the…
China wants a bigger piece of the smartphone business
The smartphone in your pocket embodies today's cutting-edge technology. It is also a product of a global supply chain decidedly old-school in the way it shares rewards. Two…
Why the IMF's poor forecasting matters
Economic forecasting is the butt of jokes, but someone has to do it. You can't make sensible macro policy without some view of how the economy will travel. It's the IMF's…
IMF changes its tune on infrastructure
In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF has joined the chorus of international institutions (G20, OECD) calling for more infrastructure spending. What new elements does the…
G20 Brisbane Summit Form Guide: What will make the Summit a success?
G20 Brisbane Summit Form Guide: What will make the Summit a success?
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, G20 Studies Centre Director Mike Callaghan examines what outcomes from the Brisbane G20 Summit in November would help reinvigorate the forum and…
Is the Abbott Government abandoning Australia's nuclear safeguards standards for India?
The signing last month of a civil nuclear cooperation agreement between Australia and India has been greeted as an important step towards closer relations between the two…
Australian Customs: A bigger role to play in trade
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis launched today, Nicholas Humphries, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Fellow at the Lowy Institute, examines how Customs can…
Australia needs a role in Asia's emerging economy boom
With other international institutions reiterating their forecasts of declining growth in the emerging economies, the latest Asian Development Bank Outlook Update has a more…
Indonesia's economy at a crossroads
With the passing of the presidential baton from Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to Joko Widodo just a month away, Indonesia is at a political crossroad, with the first clear break from…