Global Economy

Why Australia should join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
At the upcoming APEC Summit in Beijing, China is hoping to announce a formal MoU for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Offers to join the Bank have been sent around…
If Justin Lin is right, industrial carnage awaits
Justin Yifu Lin insists China can grow at 7-8% for another 20 years. A contrarian with a remarkable personal background, the former World Bank chief economist's views influence…
UN Climate Change Summit: A chance for Australia's environmental diplomacy
The UN Climate Change Summit is taking place in New York tomorrow, with attendance by several world leaders including US President Barack Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron…
G20: Cairns meeting had substance, but now we need action
Last weekend's meeting of G20 finance ministers in Cairns achieved more than many other similar G20 meetings. But will it 'change the destiny of the global economy' as claimed by…
The end of economic convergence? Not quite
Given that emerging economies continue to grow two or three times faster than advanced economies, the persistent gloom about their prospects is puzzling. The latest example comes…
China Australia relationship needs to broaden from trade
China Australia relationship needs to broaden from trade
China-Australia relationship needs to broaden from tradeJames BrownThe Saturday Paper30 August 2014Please click here for the online text.James Brown
State-owned enterprises: A strange fixation
Mike Callaghan is spot-on in arguing that Australia's foreign investment policy needs a wider reassessment than simply looking at limits on state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Let's…
G20 2014: Reform of the international organisations, financial regulation, trade, accountability and anti-corruption
G20 2014: Reform of the international organisations, financial regulation, trade, accountability and anti-corruption
This issue of the G20 Monitor discusses the reform of international economic institutions, financial regulation, and the trade, accountability and anti-corruption agendas at the…
Is the Fed acting as the world's central bank?
'The Federal Reserve enters its second century as the closest the world has to a global central bank.' So says Ted Truman, who speaks with some authority as he played a key…
France, the sick man of Europe?
France is not doing well. The crisis is evident from the ubiquitous beggars in the streets of Paris to its bad, and worsening, economic data. President Hollande's wishful notion…