Global Economy

How to manage economic nationalism in Indonesia
Both Indonesian presidential candidates have taken a strongly nationalistic stance on foreign investment in their pre-election campaigning. When one of them takes office in…
A parallel Chinese financial order
The Financial Times ran a front page piece last Monday claiming that China has ordered a ban on state-owned companies using Western management consulting companies. It is alleged…
Why are economists such poor forecasters?
Tim Harford on the astonishingly poor record of economists in forecasting recessions: The kind of institutional chief economist whose pronouncement makes it into Consensus…
Lopsided economic growth in the Philippines
As one of the fastest growing economies in Asia, the Philippines formalised its new status as the toast of the town among global investors by hosting (on  21-23 May) the…
The Indonesian economy: Back to the future after presidential elections?
With the Indonesian presidential race now reduced to two candidates, their economic programs are coming into sharper focus. The prospect is not reassuring. Both Joko Widodo (…
China and Bretton Woods: Yuan not ready to supplant dollar
Seventy years ago the world's money-men met at Bretton Woods to redesign the international monetary system. The conference was a battle of two ideas: multilateralism versus…
China's property problem: Not as bad as you think, but bad enough
Your correspondent is in Hangzhou, China. This city is not the largest by Chinese standards, but it is rich and influential. Alibaba is based here. In late February, local…
Infrastructure, tax, energy
Infrastructure, tax, energy
This issue of the Monitor focuses on the role of the G20 in infrastructure, tax and energy governance. The Monitor opens with a reflection on a conference jointly hosted by the…
Review: Tim Geithner's 'Stress Test' can't take the strain
Tim Geithner's Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises will be read mainly for its take on the 2008 financial crisis, as the author was head of the New York Federal Reserve…
Women in finance (or: Why is there no Lehman Sisters?)
 [youtube:fwIO4zbJt10#t=2229] As I mentioned previously, I was in the US last week to attend the Council of Councils conference in New York. Council of Councils is an initiative…