Global Economy

A union with New Zealand for a larger Australia?
There are various possibilities for a Larger Australia. Michael Fullilove's path is to put more of our national resources into defence and diplomacy, as well as growing our…
Mekong: Laos confirms Don Sahong dam plans
The Lao Government confirmed on Wednesday its intention to go ahead with construction of the controversial Don Sahong dam, commencing in December. Lao government ministers said…
Australia-China trade: Beijing means business
History shows that social unrest and political upheaval have one of two elemental causes: either empty stomachs or full stomachs. Hungry people are angry people, while a well-fed…
How not to bail out a country: Bankers still skewing debt debate
One of the many lessons of the 2008 financial crisis is that emergency bailout funding (such as an IMF-orchestrated rescue) seriously distorts the operation of financial markets…
Richard Rosecrance on the West's resurgence (part 2)
SR: Given the many political, social, environmental and economic problems China faces, which you list in your previous answer (see Richard Rosecrance interview Part 1), what is…
Richard Rosecrance on the West's resurgence
Richard Rosecrance, Adjunct Professor at Harvard's John F Kennedy School of Government, is a prominent American thinker on the intersection between economics and international…
Threatening Russia with G20 cold-shoulder won't solve anything, but may hobble G20
Co-authored by Hugh Jorgensen. What are the implications of Russia's action in the Ukraine for the G20? Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she is considering refusing…
More Trans Pacific Partnership commentary
Further pushback to the Krugman column that Stephen Grenville quoted in his piece on the TPP yesterday. Gideon Rachman shares Grenville's view that Krugman is too busy looking at…
Counterpoint: China and the TPP
Earlier this morning I posted a tweet on the Lowy Institute's account publicising Stephen Grenville's latest piece on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. As you can see below, it…
The global outlook for renewable energy
My previous article showed that there has been an unprecedented level of investment in renewable energy over the last decade. Let's consider the drivers for this in more detail…