Global Issues

Why gender matters in the impact and recovery from Covid-19
Why gender matters in the impact and recovery from Covid-19
The Covid-19 outbreak has revealed the strengths and weaknesses in our collective global and national capacities to respond to this health emergency. Everything in our social…
Is Singapore feeling safe enough to go to the polls?
Is Singapore feeling safe enough to go to the polls?
As news of a global pandemic dominated headlines and pushed most other news off the agenda, another breaking news bomb was casually dropped in Singapore on 13 March: the release…
Don’t succumb to complacency again: Beating Covid-19 will take a team
Don’t succumb to complacency again: Beating Covid-19 will take a team
The past few days have been very alarming for many of us, but a tide has turned around the world in our fight against Covid-19. Major Western countries have now all come to their…
Countering extremism in the midst of coronavirus
Countering extremism in the midst of coronavirus
Only four months into the start of the new decade, Australia has faced not one but two national crises: a bushfire disaster that has caused unprecedented damage to the natural…
Are you ready for how the coronavirus is transforming the world?
Are you ready for how the coronavirus is transforming the world?
As important as the health risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic and its containment are, leaders also need to start to think about the shape of the post–Covid-19 global economy…
The future ain’t what it used to be
The future ain’t what it used to be
What do the East Timorese defence force, “clean coal”, women’s empowerment, and Kevin Rudd’s first-term government have in common? The answer is the year 2020. Back when 2020…
PNG: Coronavirus promises a testing time for Marape
PNG: Coronavirus promises a testing time for Marape
It’s been a volatile week for the PNG Hunters. The Papua New Guinea rugby league team was celebrating on Sunday after staging a late comeback to clinch a 32-30 win against the…
Iran: Sanctions vs sympathy
Iran: Sanctions vs sympathy
The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown up some serious moral questions for society, including ones to do with decisions on treatment priorities for health workers under severe pressure…
Books for self-isolation: Revisiting Why Nations Fail
Books for self-isolation: Revisiting Why Nations Fail
Ed’s note: In response to a call on The Interpreter for reading suggestions in the event of a stint in Covid-19 related quarantine, Scott Robinson wrote that he’d recently…
The uncertain fate of .org
The uncertain fate of .org
If you’ve used the internet, you’ve accessed a .org site. The domain is associated with civil society groups and non-government organisations ranging from the United Nations to…