Global Issues

China is rewriting coronavirus history and nobody will stop it
China is rewriting coronavirus history and nobody will stop it
In an opinion piece published in the Nikkei Asian Review, Natasha Kassam argues that China has leapt on the opportunity to shape the global narrative about its response to…
Coronavirus and the Hong Kong protest movement
Coronavirus and the Hong Kong protest movement
For authorities in both Hong Kong and in Beijing, there must be, in some circles, something of a sense of relief. The pro-democracy protests that defined 2019 had become a deadly…
West must face its viral demons
West must face its viral demons
It may be the global politics of the pandemic, rather than COVID-19 itself, that proves our undoing. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review 
Vital to focus on fiscal policy as recession inevitable
Vital to focus on fiscal policy as recession inevitable
It goes without saying that the medical response to the pandemic should have the highest policy priority ... On the economics of the pandemic, initial reactions have been…
The RBA's job is to back banks, not bail out gamblers
The RBA's job is to back banks, not bail out gamblers
It’s quite a while since I was at the Reserve Bank, but one of my tasks there was to draft replies to letters received. So let me try my hand at responding to Christopher Joye’s …
A speech for the age of the self-isolated
A speech for the age of the self-isolated
A week ago – though it seems much longer than that – Scott Morrison sat in front of a bookcase full of political biographies, theological handbooks and Australiana, and delivered…
Books for quarantine: Hugh White suggests, plus a time for classics
Books for quarantine: Hugh White suggests, plus a time for classics
“Why did no one suggest The Decameron?” asks prominent Australian strategic analyst Hugh White in a quick email responding to the excellent collection of books The Interpreter…
How people power has flattened the Covid curve in Hong Kong
How people power has flattened the Covid curve in Hong Kong
The first half of March saw Hong Kong people’s attempt in bringing the city’s life back to normal amid the coronavirus scare. There are more people out in the streets, mostly…
COVIDcast episode 3: The China story
COVIDcast episode 3: The China story
Each week since the severity of the coronavirus crisis became clear, Lowy Institute experts have been sitting down for COVIDcast, a podcast to discuss the implications of…
COVIDcast Episode 3: the China story
COVIDcast Episode 3: the China story
COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast for anyone interested in understanding the effect of coronavirus on global politics. Each week for the next few weeks, Lowy Institute…