Global Issues

Can technology save ASEAN’s food supplies from climate change?
Can technology save ASEAN’s food supplies from climate change?
Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing challenges, and one which impacts humanity as a whole. A recent United Nations study indicates that decreasing biodiversity in…
Refugees are educating themselves abroad. Australia should help
Refugees are educating themselves abroad. Australia should help
Picture this. At 68.5 million people, it’s the 23rd largest population on earth. There is no healthcare system. Going to school is often illegal. There is no social welfare…
Stockholm Syndrome: social media can shape China’s foreign policy
Stockholm Syndrome: social media can shape China’s foreign policy
From Bitcoin to YouTube, the internet has greatly altered the way humans behave and interact. This is particularly the case in China – the largest online community in the world…
Remembering Rwanda: small mercy from the horror of Kibeho
Remembering Rwanda: small mercy from the horror of Kibeho
What you don’t expect to see when you arrive at Kibeho are the eucalyptus trees. When Belgium ruled Rwanda, gum trees were planted across the colony to provide firewood. A small…
If 5G takes a little longer in Australia, all the better
If 5G takes a little longer in Australia, all the better
The fifth generation of cellular network technology promises much higher performance in terms of data throughput, speed, and lower latency. This will unlock a regime of new…
An Australian model for the renewable-energy transition
An Australian model for the renewable-energy transition
Australia is experiencing a remarkable renewable energy transition. The pipeline for new wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity systems is 6-7 Gigawatts (GW) per year for…
Violence in Myanmar: look elsewhere than Security Council
Violence in Myanmar: look elsewhere than Security Council
Last week the UN Security Council was briefed yet again on the situation in Myanmar. This time the message was presented by the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy…
A certain boredom? Taking stock of democracy in 2019
A certain boredom? Taking stock of democracy in 2019
Even in a world “characterised by peaceful and prosperous liberal democracy”, a renowned political theorist once wrote, people will nevertheless “struggle against that peace and…
The movie moment: how the Oscars reflect the world around us
The movie moment: how the Oscars reflect the world around us
The Academy Award winners will be announced today, starting at midday on the Australian east coast. For a few of us, this will be the culmination of watching 31 nominated films.*…
The new Middle Eastern space race
The new Middle Eastern space race
The launch of the first Israeli mission to the Moon is a milestone for lunar exploration and for private spaceflight.   Liftoff!— SpaceX (@SpaceX…