Global Issues

Asia’s space sale
Asia’s space sale
A Chinese rover on the Moon. An Indian satellite at Mars. A Japanese commander of the International Space Station. An imminent launch of a Chinese lander to the far side of the…
Beijing’s online gaming clampdown
Beijing’s online gaming clampdown
Last month, Tencent Chairman and Chief Executive Pony Ma (马化腾) sent out an open letter, announcing a major strategic shift in direction for one of Asia’s most valuable technology…
Chipping away at trust in democracy
Chipping away at trust in democracy
With a series of state elections due and the federal election looming, there are important lessons that Australia needs to learn from the tone of US politics. In particular, there…
Why boycotting palm oil achieves nothing
Why boycotting palm oil achieves nothing
In a bid to promote its palm oil-free products for the looming Christmas consumption frenzy, British supermarket chain Iceland recently sought to repurpose a moving Greenpeace…
Disinformation campaigns and US elections
Disinformation campaigns and US elections
A New York Times article this month revealed a new tactic in the US war against election disinformation. US election officials had notified Russians suspected of involvement in…
Vietnam’s quandary: red or green?
Vietnam’s quandary: red or green?
A hand-crafted map on the wall of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences (VAAS) neatly captures the country’s strategic vulnerabilities as it emerges as a dynamic new…
Daylight robbery: cyber escapades of North Korea
Daylight robbery: cyber escapades of North Korea
When a gang robs a bank, it’s a crime. When a nation launches an attack on another state’s territory, it’s an act of war. But what is it when a nation state robs another state’s…
Japan’s complicated relationship with coal power
Japan’s complicated relationship with coal power
At first glance, it appears a sea change is underway in how Japanese banks and financial firms treat fossil fuels. According to a comprehensive study released by in…
China: how big tech is learning to love the party
China: how big tech is learning to love the party
In mid-September, rumours swirled that Huawei Technologies, the world’s largest telecommunications firm, would be acquired by an unnamed Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE),…
Decoding the bombshell story for China
Decoding the bombshell story for China
It is near impossible to find any mention of the Chinese chip hacking story in Bloomberg Businessweek that does not use the words “bombshell” or “explosive” to describe the piece…