Global Issues

Leading the prevention of global health threats
Leading the prevention of global health threats
Australia's tyranny of distance is no protection from global health threats. In recent months, the government has taken a number of positive steps to reaffirm the importance of…
Migration and border policy links: Manus, labour migration and more
Migration and border policy links: Manus, labour migration and more
As a PNG police operation at the Manus Island detention centre continues, the UNHCR Regional Representative in Canberra has urged the Australian government's to…
Zimbabwe: New crocodile, same teeth
Zimbabwe: New crocodile, same teeth
It has been a strange coup. First the army leadership held a press conference two days in advance to warn it might occur. Then when the troops did move, the main targets President…
The fourth industrial revolution and international migration
The fourth industrial revolution and international migration
This working paper examines the implications of digitalisation for skilled migration in high-income countries such as Australia and outlines key areas for policymakers in relation…
Migration and border policy links: Inside Manus, Gulf state workers, violence against women and more
Migration and border policy links: Inside Manus, Gulf state workers, violence against women and more
The Guardian's Ben Doherty has published a special report from inside the former processing centre on Manus Island. The Council on Foreign Relations has published an…
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
President Trump’s retreat on climate change put China ‘in the driver’s seat’. But to really demonstrate leadership, China needs to green its overseas investments. Sam Geall
Migration and border policy links: Manus, stateless minorities, the next steps on Myanmar and more
Migration and border policy links: Manus, stateless minorities, the next steps on Myanmar and more
PNG's Immigration and Citizenship Service Authority has said it may use force if refugees and asylum seekers in the Manus Island processing centre fail to comply…
Migration and border policy links: Manus, climate change, US policy and more
Migration and border policy links: Manus, climate change, US policy and more
As the situation on Manus Island deteriorates, the UNHCR Regional Representative in Canberra has reiterated its call for the Australian government to work with PNG leadership to…
Migration and border policy links: Rohingya crisis, deportations, people-smuggling and more
Migration and border policy links: Rohingya crisis, deportations, people-smuggling and more
President of Refugees International Eric P Schwartz discusses his recent visit to Bangladesh in a Council for Foreign Relations event focusing on the Rohingya crisis.   …
The future role of international financial institutions
The future role of international financial institutions
The role of the multilateral development banks (MDBs) and other international financial institutions (IFIs) is back in the policy spotlight. The latest attention comes via…