Global Issues

Migration & border policy links: Italy overwhelmed, Thailand’s crackdown, US travel ban and more
Migration & border policy links: Italy overwhelmed, Thailand’s crackdown, US travel ban and more
Listen to the Kaldor Centre’s podcast on safezones featuring Professor Geoff Gilbert. EU leaders have pledged further support following threats from Italy to…
How China views the plight of refugees
How China views the plight of refugees
With assistance from Zixin Wang, an intern with the Lowy Institute's East Asia Program. Following World Refugee Day on 20 June, Chinese netizens have been heatedly debating…
Migration & border policy links: Counting Australians, remittances, trafficking and more
Migration & border policy links: Counting Australians, remittances, trafficking and more
Read Gareth Hutchens’ analysis of the Census 2016 results. The Australian’s David Uren argues migration policy alleviates ageing pressures. Leith van Onselen disagrees. …
#WorldRefugeeWeek: How Australians feel about refugees
#WorldRefugeeWeek: How Australians feel about refugees
Results from the 2017 Lowy Institute Poll reveal how Australians feel about refugees being settled in Australia. Almost half (48%) of the 1200 Australians surveyed believe that…
Proposed citizenship test would forgo a ‘fair go for all’
Proposed citizenship test would forgo a ‘fair go for all’
The Australian Government this week introduced a new Bill into parliament to amend the Citizenship Act 2007. The move comes just two weeks after submissions to its discussion…
The liberal order is not America’s to break
The liberal order is not America’s to break
As the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union imploded, many attributed the change entirely to American power. The hubristic ‘unipolar moment’ claim was not only wrong as…
Trump has compromised climate security strategies
Trump has compromised climate security strategies
Much has been said about the global environmental, economic and leadership consequences of US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement but…
America sidelined, the climate caravan moves on
America sidelined, the climate caravan moves on
It's been only a few days since US President Donald Trump announced the US will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. And it is already clear the greatest damage has been…
How Trump may have helped the climate cause
How Trump may have helped the climate cause
Whether or not US President Donald Trump withdraws the United States from the Paris Agreement is less important than how other countries respond to his decision. By dismantling…
Migration and border policy links: Theresa May’s policy promises, private sponsorship, the global slave trade and more
Migration and border policy links: Theresa May’s policy promises, private sponsorship, the global slave trade and more
The Kaldor Centre's Khanh Hoang unpacks Australia’s private sponsorship program for refugee and humanitarian entrants. On 6 June, The Ethics Centre is holding a debate in…