Global Issues

Will new UN mechanism boost justice for war crimes in Syria?
Will new UN mechanism boost justice for war crimes in Syria?
The UN has established a new mechanism to assist in the investigation and prosecution of individuals responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide as well as…
Lessons from India on migration’s role in trade policy
Lessons from India on migration’s role in trade policy
Prime Minister Turnbull yesterday carefully signalled a potential India-Australia Free Trade Agreement is not a priority for his government. This comes after the Abbott Government…
Migration and Border Policy links: Who benefits from Nauru, refugee safe houses, climate displacement and more
Migration and Border Policy links: Who benefits from Nauru, refugee safe houses, climate displacement and more
The US Department of Homeland Security has begun fingerprinting and photographing refugees on Manus Island as part of the US-Australia refugee deal. Oxford University's…
Australia's role in the refugee compact
Australia's role in the refugee compact
The Lowy Institute recently held an expert workshop on the Global Compact on Refugees as part of its research collaboration with the Department of Immigration and Border…
Migration and border policy links: Mixing it up in Yiwu, Zampa law, sanctuary cities and more
Migration and border policy links: Mixing it up in Yiwu, Zampa law, sanctuary cities and more
By Rachael Buckland, an intern with the Lowy Institute's Migration and Border Policy project. Listen to Oxford University’s Forced Migration Review podcasts on refugee…
Skilled migration: Solving the puzzle
Skilled migration: Solving the puzzle
Recently we were presented with duelling pictures of skilled immigration. On the one hand, we have this news report about China making it easier for highly educated migrants to…
New refugee compact will struggle to live up to lofty rhetoric
New refugee compact will struggle to live up to lofty rhetoric
The Lowy Institute recently held an expert workshop on the Global Compact on Refugees as part of its research collaboration with the Department of Immigration and Border…
What happens to failed asylum seekers?
What happens to failed asylum seekers?
Forcibly returning unwanted migrants is not only intuitively unpleasant, it is also one of the most difficult areas in the immigration policies of liberal states. Unwanted…
Removal of failed asylum seekers in Australia: A comparative perspective
Removal of failed asylum seekers in Australia: A comparative perspective
This working paper reviews the current policy of removing failed asylum seekers in Australia and draws lessons from similar policy areas and reforms in the United Kingdom and…
The EU shouldn’t strike a Turkey-style deal with Libya
The EU shouldn’t strike a Turkey-style deal with Libya
Last week, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that EU member states are not obliged to issue humanitarian visas to asylum seekers at their overseas missions. A humanitarian…