Global Issues

The implications of emerging economies' market depth for Australia's G20 presidency
In its current print edition, the Economist has a fascinating chart that deserves much greater attention than the small section devoted to it. It matches the combined value of…
Reader riposte: N enrichment in Australia and beyond
Richard Broinowski writes: In his speculative piece on a regional uranium enrichment plant in Australia, John Carlson gets a few things wrong. First, it is inaccurate to suggest…
Syria: Is Assad the solution?
As Syria stumbles into its third year of conflict, President Assad continues to bank on his belief that the longer he remains in power, the more likely that the opposition will be…
A regional uranium enrichment centre in Australia?
It may seem anomalous that Australia, with a third of the world's uranium reserves, does not have a uranium enrichment industry to value-add on uranium exports.  This was…
Tony Abbott's diplomatic wobbles reveal challenges of new world order
Tony Abbott's diplomatic wobbles reveal challenges of new world order
In the Sydney Morning Herald, Anthony Bubalo and Michael Fullilove review why the Australian goverment seems to be staggering from crisis to crisis, arguing it has…
Global governance falling apart, and that could be a good thing
A thoughtful, wide-ranging essay here from Stewart Patrick on 'good enough' global governance, from which I'll pluck just one extract, because it goes to the pessimism I…
Five things you shouldn't worry about (or look forward to) in 2014
As you have already seen courtesy of a piece by new contributor Robert Kelly on three things that won't happen in Northeast Asia this year, we've decided to invert the January…
Why metadata matters (and data too)
If you have been reassured by the claim that intelligence agencies such as the US National Security Agency are 'only' collecting metadata from millions of mobile phone and…
The heat is back on climate change
With the start of the Warsaw climate change talks today, combined with the election of the Abbott Government and its proposed repeal of the Gillard Government's carbon tax regime…
Documentary trailer: Years of Living Dangerously
Remember that furore in the Indonesian media a few months ago about actor Harrison Ford being rude to Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan? What was that in aid of, you ask? An all…