Global Issues

Do voters want to repeal carbon pricing?
John Connor is CEO of the Climate Institute. The past year has been historic in Australia, with around 300 businesses beginning to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions for the…
What to do about climate migration
Professor Jane McAdam is a member of the Consultative Committee of the Nansen Initiative and the author of Climate Change, Forced Migration, and International Law.  Last month,…
Two nations take lead in securing Indo-Pacific century
Two nations take lead in securing Indo-Pacific century
In this opinion piece in The West Australian, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf and Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Dr C Raja Mohan argue that Western…
Dicing with death penalties in Indonesia
Dicing with death penalties in Indonesia
Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae has published an article in Chatham House's The World Today on the ramifications at home of protecting citizens abroad from the…
Pan-Arabism loses ground in religious divide
Pan-Arabism loses ground in religious divide
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Rodger Shanahan writes that religion has emerged as the defining element of identity in the post-Arab Spring Middle East.Rodger Shanahan
Carbon pricing: Let the jury decide
Nicholas Gruen is CEO of Lateral Economics, Chairman of the Australian Centre for Social Innovation, an entrepreneur involved in a number of internet startups, and a regular…
Martin Wolf's climate pessimism examined
Nicholas Gruen is CEO of Lateral Economics, Chairman of the Australian Centre for Social Innovation, an entrepreneur involved in a number of internet startups, and a regular…
Martin Wolf's climate change column
Further to the thread I started on Monday about Martin Wolf's pessimistic column, I've had an email from economist John Quiggin which goes directly to the source of Wolf's (and my…
Wisdom of the crowd
Wisdom of the crowd
In this article in Foreign Policy, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf explores what the India Poll 2013 reveals about how Indians view the world. Rory Medcalf…
China won't be frozen out of Arctic
China won't be frozen out of Arctic
In an opinion piece about China and the Arctic for the Global Times  (in English and Chinese), Lowy Institute East Asia Program Director Linda Jakobson argues that Chinese…