Global Issues

The sticky case of Indonesia, a seized Iranian oil tanker, and legal jurisdiction
The sticky case of Indonesia, a seized Iranian oil tanker, and legal jurisdiction
The two giant freighters floated “dark” in the open ocean not far from Indonesia. Their positioning transponders switched off, neither tanker displayed a national flag – but one…
Danger Will Robinson: Warfighting robots fast approaching
Danger Will Robinson: Warfighting robots fast approaching
Ernest Hemingway famously wrote bankruptcies happen “gradually, then suddenly”. Given two events last week, this might also succinctly describe the rise of robot warfighting. A…
Building bigger BRICS
Building bigger BRICS
The planned enlargement of the BRICS group has revived a long-standing debate on whether this grouping will remain just a talk-shop specialising in complaining about Western…
Climate justice: friendshoring, China’s supremacy and America’s IR Act
Climate justice: friendshoring, China’s supremacy and America’s IR Act
When the Inflation Reduction Act (IR Act) passed the US Congress in August 2022, it was acclaimed as the largest, most ambitious climate change investment in American history. The…
Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security
Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security
Last week, Pacific leaders and officials discussed the region’s ocean governance in Nadi, law enforcement in Koror, a potential Australia–Pacific COP31 in Suva, and Melanesian…
Europe’s last war
Europe’s last war
Sometimes, watching the latest news, Europe’s last war comes to mind. At this time 30 years ago, the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the deadliest chapter in the violent break-up…
Climate change: Counting the costs and opportunities
Climate change: Counting the costs and opportunities
A principle isn’t a principle until it costs you something, the adage goes. Since 2015, successive Lowy Institute polls have found that the majority of Australians support…
Weeks of living dangerously in Jakarta, all over again
Weeks of living dangerously in Jakarta, all over again
The 1978 novel by Australian author Christopher Koch, titled The Year of Living Dangerously, set primarily in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, describes events leading up to…
Australia and the UN: A new agenda for peace
Australia and the UN: A new agenda for peace
Last month, a New Agenda for Peace (NA4P) policy brief was released by the United Nations, outlining a vision for tackling today’s major challenges to peace and security. Among…
Cash is king, no more
Cash is king, no more
Australia has emerged as the frontrunner in embracing digital payments. A recent global report highlights that Australians now rank among the world’s least frequent cash users. It…