Global Issues

Archipelago angst: How Indonesia and the US differ on air routes over sea lanes
Archipelago angst: How Indonesia and the US differ on air routes over sea lanes
A few weeks ago, Indonesia’s armed forces chief Admiral Yudo Margono revealed interesting data about the countries said to have violated Indonesian airspace. The highest number of…
Economic diplomacy: Hard labour managing geo-economic fragmentation
Economic diplomacy: Hard labour managing geo-economic fragmentation
Catching a wave The Biden administration’s loosely named Inflation Reduction Act has flowed through the global economy like a tsunami engulfing everything from the reshoring…
Something fishy about China’s anger over the Quad’s open ocean plans
Something fishy about China’s anger over the Quad’s open ocean plans
Some international issues should be non-sensitive and uncontroversial. One of these is the regulation of fishing fleets to prevent overfishing and ensure the sustainable use of…
Nuclear weapons: “Oppenheimer” won’t make a difference, but Australia can
Nuclear weapons: “Oppenheimer” won’t make a difference, but Australia can
Oppenheimer is a big disappointment for those of us who hoped that this super-hyped, all-star-cast new movie might give new life to the nuclear disarmament cause, creating new…
Why the Australian Voice referendum matters globally
Why the Australian Voice referendum matters globally
The upcoming referendum for an amendment to the Australian constitution, if passed, will see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders recognised in the nation’s founding document…
It’s no surprise Australia shrugged off China’s campaign of trade coercion
It’s no surprise Australia shrugged off China’s campaign of trade coercion
It has been clear for some time that China’s campaign of trade coercion against Australia has been rather ineffectual, either in imposing significant economic costs on Australia…
The Fix: Chipping in
The Fix: Chipping in
We’re asking contributors to put together their own short collected observations like this one – and as always, if you’ve got an idea to pitch for The Interpreter, drop a line…
Cluster munitions: A necessary defensive strategy for Ukraine
Cluster munitions: A necessary defensive strategy for Ukraine
Concerns over potential breaches of international humanitarian law in cluster munitions use in Ukraine are based on a misguided interpretation of the legal position. More so, the…
Understanding “loss and damage” from climate change across the Indo-Pacific
Understanding “loss and damage” from climate change across the Indo-Pacific
Floods in Southeast Asia, severe tropical cyclones in the Pacific, islands and coastal settlements threatened by sea level rise and millions of displaced people as a result. ­The…
Who leads the world as longest in charge of their country?
Who leads the world as longest in charge of their country?
Hun Sen heads to the polls in Cambodia this weekend, even though, as Radio Free Asia noted, the result is preordained. Hun Sen will win. Just like he has ever since 1985. Hun…