Global Issues

Solomons security pact: Sogavare, China, and Australia
Solomons security pact: Sogavare, China, and Australia
Labor has described Solomon Islands’ security pact with China as Australia’s biggest foreign policy failure in the Pacific since the Second World War, but this is hyperbole…
Russia-Ukraine: It always comes down to food
Russia-Ukraine: It always comes down to food
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a food shortage – or crisis for some – in unexpected places across the world. For wheat, maize, barley and sunflower oil, Russia…
The duty to prevent genocide in Ukraine
The duty to prevent genocide in Ukraine
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine has laid bare the brutality of the campaign, there have been increasing debates over whether it constitutes genocide. On 12 April, US President…
Law of the sea: A contested watershed ruling
Law of the sea: A contested watershed ruling
When in 2016 the Arbitral Tribunal issued its watershed ruling in the case between the Philippines and China, responses from the international community were lacklustre. The Asian…
How the Mekong River Commission ignores reality
How the Mekong River Commission ignores reality
Among the many “days” celebrated by the international community, one entrant seems especially incongruous. “Mekong Day” was proclaimed by the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC)…
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
The release of the second annual Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities survey is one of the largest studies of attitudes among Chinese-Australians ever…
The mysterious missing UN report on human rights abuses in Xinjiang
The mysterious missing UN report on human rights abuses in Xinjiang
Delivering an annual report to the United Nations Human Rights Council last month, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet announced she would undertake an…
Protecting law and order at sea means educating people on their rights
Protecting law and order at sea means educating people on their rights
In recent years, the rise of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing activities, transnational organised crime at sea, expansion of terrorist networks and activities by…
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
The release of the second annual Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities survey conducted by the Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and…
The right lessons to learn from Ukraine
The right lessons to learn from Ukraine
Australia should be careful in evaluating the impact of the Ukraine crisis on its strategic outlook. The crisis has not altered many of the key facts about our international…