Global Issues

Women’s participation in peace mediation
Women’s participation in peace mediation
Mediation to end armed conflict has traditionally been dominated by men. With the conflict in Ukraine currently consuming global narratives on everything from human rights to…
The Ukraine crisis, feminism and Australia’s foreign policy
The Ukraine crisis, feminism and Australia’s foreign policy
At the heart of a feminist approach to foreign policy is a commitment to non-violence. Not because the framework is unmoored from the realities of the world we live in, but…
The hypocrisy of Russia’s push for a new global cybercrime treaty
The hypocrisy of Russia’s push for a new global cybercrime treaty
As the West braces for a possible escalation of Russian ransomware attacks in retaliation for support to Ukraine, the first meeting to negotiate a new global cybercrime treaty…
For Xi, Putin’s invasion is a test run for Taiwan
For Xi, Putin’s invasion is a test run for Taiwan
Having learned from the collapse of Soviet Union, China may yet have to send its officials back to school to learn how not to put an empire back together again. Originally…
Europe triggers “temporary protection” for Ukraine war refugees
Europe triggers “temporary protection” for Ukraine war refugees
Until this week, everyone thought the European Union’s Temporary Protection Directive was dead in the water. Drafted 21 years ago in the aftermath of the Yugoslav crisis, it was…
Ukraine: Don’t write off the international order – read and rewrite it
Ukraine: Don’t write off the international order – read and rewrite it
Given all that is on the line right now in Ukraine, the persistence of the so-called “rules-based international order” is probably not high on the list of most people’s concerns…
Towards a Better Vaccine Diplomacy
Towards a Better Vaccine Diplomacy
If vaccine diplomacy is the new great game, it is being played wrong by all sides, with the risk that no one will be left a winner. Originally published in The Diplomat.
‘Bring it on’: Six reasons why sanctions won’t bring Putin to heel
‘Bring it on’: Six reasons why sanctions won’t bring Putin to heel
Originally published in The Sydney Morning Herald.
The world that Vladimir Putin wants to see
The world that Vladimir Putin wants to see
The Russian President would rather have a global disorder where Russia is central, than an order where it is peripheral. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Why was it left to Kenya to speak up for multilateralism?
Why was it left to Kenya to speak up for multilateralism?
In a long speech this week, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin crossed the Rubicon by recognising the “independent” republics of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, creating…