Global Issues

Indonesia cannot afford to put its economy before people
Indonesia cannot afford to put its economy before people
Since mid-May, Indonesia has faced a massive surge in Covid-19 infections with the number of reported positive daily cases increasing fivefold. As of the most recent update from…
Sun, surf and a sandbox escape from a pandemic
Sun, surf and a sandbox escape from a pandemic
Before the pandemic, Thai island Phuket offered visitors the perfect blend of sun, beach and seedy-but-fun nightlife as one of the region’s best-known tourist destinations. Now,…
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
With the advance of the Taliban in parts of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of coalition forces, the question of how to help Afghans who worked intimately with Australian forces…
Whatever happened to the South China Sea ruling?
Whatever happened to the South China Sea ruling?
Five years ago on this day, an international tribunal in a landmark ruling dismissed Beijing’s claim to much of the South China Sea. The Permanent Court of Arbitration at The…
Covid crisis deepens in junta-ruled Myanmar
Covid crisis deepens in junta-ruled Myanmar
A worsening third wave of Covid-19 is a cruel new blow in Myanmar, still reeling from the human costs of the coup on 1 February, and with a military junta more focused on…
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
RBA governor Philip Lowe makes a reasonable point about the short-term suppression of wages in some industries. But long-run evidence shows migration lifts demand for workers…
China’s forced invisibility of LGBTQ communities on social media
China’s forced invisibility of LGBTQ communities on social media
This week, Chinese multinational technology giant Tencent shut down hundreds of accounts on WeChat linked to LGBTQ groups. Suddenly millions of queer people in China were…
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
This Lowy Institute interactive uncovers the changing face of Australia's diplomatic network, tracking 47 years of Australian diplomatic appointments overseas. The data…
Staying ahead in global tech leadership
Staying ahead in global tech leadership
On the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, President Xi Jinping reiterated the longstanding Chinese goal of strengthening science and technology to help achieve…
The Director’s Chair: Matt Pottinger on his career, working for President Trump, China and COVID
The Director’s Chair: Matt Pottinger on his career, working for President Trump, China and COVID
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with the former US Deputy National Security Adviser, Matthew Pottinger.