Global Issues

Deliberate ambiguity of China’s new “territorial waters” declaration
Deliberate ambiguity of China’s new “territorial waters” declaration
Increasing military exercises in the South China Sea by the US Navy and partners from other nations aim to send a message to Beijing that its assertive territorial claims to these…
Did 9/11 change our world?
Did 9/11 change our world?
We asked six experts, “Did 9/11 define our world? If so, how? If not, what did?” After each of their responses to these questions, editor Lydia Khalil challenges the experts…
The Director’s Chair: Julia Gillard on the US and China, Afghanistan, Covid, and leaders she admires
The Director’s Chair: Julia Gillard on the US and China, Afghanistan, Covid, and leaders she admires
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Julia Gillard, Australia’s 27th Prime Minister.
What’s in a name? The Taliban and recognition under international law
What’s in a name? The Taliban and recognition under international law
Is Afghanistan any longer a State in the international system under international law? More particularly, is the Taliban capable of being recognised as a legitimate government? …
This is America’s new foreign policy on show
This is America’s new foreign policy on show
The abandoning of Afghanistan is all about a shift to diplomacy and deal-making, not firepower and force. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
The trouble with Washington’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ gambit
The trouble with Washington’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ gambit
Improved U.S. compliance with international norms would greatly enhance U.S. defense of the rules-based international order. Originally published in The Diplomat.
Europe turns away from asylum-seekers
Europe turns away from asylum-seekers
Lapped by clear waters, Chios is one of five main islands wedged in the northern Aegean Sea, a stone’s throw from Turkey. Seen from the plane, the island’s interior is dotted with…
Why politics and pandemics don’t mix
Why politics and pandemics don’t mix
Book review: Michael Lewis The Premonition: A Pandemic Story (W. W. Norton & Company, 2021) Way back in October 2019, before most anyone had heard of Covid-19, a group…
As Delta looms, PNG’s vaccine rollout challenges mount
As Delta looms, PNG’s vaccine rollout challenges mount
As the Covid-19 pandemic unfolds, more than 130,000 vaccines donated by the global facility COVAX doses have expired in Papua New Guinea. PNG is Australia’s largest aid recipient…
Rules Based Audio (Episode 1): In Conversation with John Ikenberry
Rules Based Audio (Episode 1): In Conversation with John Ikenberry
In an increasingly contested world, basic questions about how the world works, and how it should work, are being asked anew. In Rules Based Audio we will be posing those questions…