Global Issues

In beef over barley, Chinese economic coercion cuts against the grain
In beef over barley, Chinese economic coercion cuts against the grain
Last weekend news broke that the Chinese government was considering imposing large tariffs on Australian barley exports. Now, China-bound exports from four Australian meat…
For Australia, a testing friendship
For Australia, a testing friendship
It’s got nothing to do with Covid-19, but a fascinating short passage in Malcolm Turnbull’s new memoir is illustrative of the challenges Scott Morrison faces in dealing with US…
Breaking with intelligence: Trump and the case of pandemic blame
Breaking with intelligence: Trump and the case of pandemic blame
Is a dark episode of intelligence history repeating? The Trump administration zeal to blame a Chinese government laboratory in Wuhan for the Covid-19 pandemic – together with the…
Vietnam defies the odds on Covid-19
Vietnam defies the odds on Covid-19
If you want to see real Olympic-level panic-buying, head to a Vietnamese supermarket a week before Tet, or Lunar New Year.   Yet when the coronavirus broke out in China…
Denials, delays, and conspiracy theories: Iran’s Covid mismanagement
Denials, delays, and conspiracy theories: Iran’s Covid mismanagement
Iran’s initial reaction to the coronavirus pandemic was sluggish, and its fight with the outbreak has been chaotic and inefficient. US sanctions undeniably played a role in…
The Director’s Chair Ep3: Enrico Letta on global leadership, COVID-19, and the European project
The Director’s Chair Ep3: Enrico Letta on global leadership, COVID-19, and the European project
In the third episode of The Director's Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with former Italian Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, about running a major European power, his relationship…
Weight on the scales
Weight on the scales
A few months back – only in January, yet seemingly a very different time ­– Mike Mazarr and I offered some initial reflections on America’s and China’s contrasting “theories of…
Can Covid-19 response be a model for climate action?
Can Covid-19 response be a model for climate action?
In 2020, the world will see the largest annual drop in carbon dioxide emissions in history. The havoc wreaked by the coronavirus and its accompanying lockdowns has seen fleets of…
COVIDcast Episode 10: Australia’s role in shaping a post-corona world
COVIDcast Episode 10: Australia’s role in shaping a post-corona world
In this episode of COVIDcast, Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Asian Power and Diplomacy Program, sits down with Senator Penny Wong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Leader…
Indonesia’s democracy is flawed, but do enough people care?
Indonesia’s democracy is flawed, but do enough people care?
The Covid-19 outbreak has once again exposed Indonesia’s lack of preparedness to handle disasters and emergencies. After weeks of denying the severity of the pandemic, the…