Global Issues

COVIDcast Episode 10: Sen. Penny Wong on Australia's role in the post COVID-19 world
COVIDcast Episode 10: Sen. Penny Wong on Australia's role in the post COVID-19 world
In Episode 10, Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Asian Power and Diplomacy Program, sits down with Senator Penny Wong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the…
Samoa’s constitutional crisis: Undermining rule of law
Samoa’s constitutional crisis: Undermining rule of law
While the global community struggles to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, Samoa is embroiled in a constitutional crisis. The South Pacific nation is frequently lauded for its good…
Wuhan lab claims: Is Australia questioning China? Or the US? Both?
Wuhan lab claims: Is Australia questioning China? Or the US? Both?
A calculated leak?  – Ben Scott Local newspapers have published remarkable claims detailing Australia’s reported concern about suggestions coming out of Washington that the…
Economic diplomacy: Lifting the doona on a post-pandemic world
Economic diplomacy: Lifting the doona on a post-pandemic world
Health v growth The language of lockdown has certainly undergone a change, from Prime Minister Scott Morrison advocating six months of hibernation only a month ago to now warning…
Creating a Pacific bubble
Creating a Pacific bubble
The success in containing the Covid-19 pandemic in both Australia and New Zealand has led to a novel idea – the opening up of trans-Tasman travel as long as each country is able…
Digital declarations: Political ads on PNG social media must be clear
Digital declarations: Political ads on PNG social media must be clear
One of Papua New Guinea’s most prominent social media users is also one of its most prominent politicians. Police Minister Bryan Kramer etched out a profile as one of the…
Beyond Covid, might China overreach?
Beyond Covid, might China overreach?
A major disruption and the emergence of a global threat in the shape of a pandemic may have been expected to foster closer global cooperation. While this may momentarily be true,…
Coronavirus: The end of sexist economics?
Coronavirus: The end of sexist economics?
As coronavirus spreads, government spending, and lots of it, has been the order of the day. Most of the analysis has focused on the economic impact of these responses, with…
Philippines: Bangsamoro, between conflict and Covid-19
Philippines: Bangsamoro, between conflict and Covid-19
In the midst of a delicate war-to-peace transition, still punctuated by military operations, attacks from militant groups and vendettas between feuding clans, the newly created…
Despite headwinds, China prepares for world’s largest carbon market
Despite headwinds, China prepares for world’s largest carbon market
In late 2017, China released its national emissions trading system (ETS) plan, laying out a three-stage transition from regional pilot systems that began in 2013. The national ETS…