
India-Russia: A friend in need
India-Russia: A friend in need
Two factors – military materiel and energy opportunities – have been used to explain India’s muted criticisms of Russia and its equivocal support for Ukraine. Both positions, to…
A first for India and a chance to trade up with Australia
A first for India and a chance to trade up with Australia
The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AIECTA) signed on 2 April marks a first for India in terms of liberalisation of “substantially all” trade and…
Can Shah Rukh Khan help India “Act East”?
Can Shah Rukh Khan help India “Act East”?
Of all the findings about how Indonesians view the world revealed by the Lowy Institute Indonesia Poll, it was notable that India fared rather unfavourably. The poll revealed…
How Japan can help nudge India away from Russia
How Japan can help nudge India away from Russia
Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio visited India last month ahead of a G7 summit. With India hesitant to criticise Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Japanese media speculated…
AUKUS can be a good platform for cooperation with India
AUKUS can be a good platform for cooperation with India
Someone famous once reputedly quipped “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” So there is a certain echo to the AUKUS arrangement, which brings together Australia,…
India consolidates its role in southern Maldives
India consolidates its role in southern Maldives
The visit in recent days by Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to Maldives is further demonstration of India’s intention to build long-term ties. Jaishankar’s visit…
Does the Quad Plus add up?
Does the Quad Plus add up?
According to its members, the Quad – a group comprising the United States, Japan, India and Australia – seeks to present an inclusive vision for the Indo-Pacific region, and its…
Common enemies and instinctive friends
Common enemies and instinctive friends
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Likewise, there may not be an instinctive alignment of my two adversaries. Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s reference to “arc…
The Ukraine war could transform India’s military preparedness
The Ukraine war could transform India’s military preparedness
India’s position on the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has elicited a surprising amount of scrutiny. As a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, India along with the…
China is key to understanding India’s dilemma over Ukraine
China is key to understanding India’s dilemma over Ukraine
If India is to stand up to China, it needs its defence partnership with Russia. The West recognises this strategic dilemma mainly because India is aligned in balancing China in…