
Australia-India trade deal: An early harvest or cherry picking?
Australia-India trade deal: An early harvest or cherry picking?
There is a new mood of optimism around the most recent effort to revive the Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) being spearheaded by Australian…
Economic diplomacy: After Kabul, Australia looks to India
Economic diplomacy: After Kabul, Australia looks to India
Suitcase intelligence Bob Carr recalls in his Diary of a Foreign Minister how a senior Australian intelligence official told him bluntly in 2013 that the war against the…
India fears a poison harvest from Afghanistan
India fears a poison harvest from Afghanistan
The takeover of the Afghan government by the hard-line Islamist Taliban was swift and bloodless – at least on the day the group marched into the capital, Kabul. It means a u-turn…
Afghanistan’s collapse shifts strategic dynamics in South Asia
Afghanistan’s collapse shifts strategic dynamics in South Asia
What was predicted to take 90 days instead occurred within weeks – a complete takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban after a hasty withdrawal of US troops, with Kabul succumbing…
Australia and India: A time to refocus on trade talks
Australia and India: A time to refocus on trade talks
Australia’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has just completed a packed visit to India from 2–6 August as Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s special trade envoy. Abbott should…
India-US ties: Work in progress
India-US ties: Work in progress
Diplomatese papered over the political turbulence in India during US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s two-day official visit to the country on 27 and 28 July. Narendra Modi’s…
India: A very colonial hangover
India: A very colonial hangover
In the 1830’s Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay set about drafting a piece of legislation that would outlive not just him but also the empire that gave him the license to do so…
Another proxy war in Afghanistan?
Another proxy war in Afghanistan?
With the US in the process of withdrawing the last of its troops from Afghanistan, it has taken little time for fierce fighting to flare up in several parts of the country, as the…
Central Vista Project: Raining on Modi’s parade
Central Vista Project: Raining on Modi’s parade
The face of New Delhi’s political heart, Lutyens Delhi (named after the British architect Edwin Lutyens who designed it) is a place of broad boulevards, imposing red sandstone…
The dangers in Australia’s blissful ignorance about India
The dangers in Australia’s blissful ignorance about India
A major headline from the 2021 Lowy Institute Poll is the dramatic decline in the Australian public’s assessment of China, continuing the trend already observed in previous years…