
Russia’s Asia diplomacy
Russia’s Asia diplomacy
Russia’s long-serving Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov shuttled between Beijing, New Delhi and Islamabad in recent weeks, putting on a diplomatic display that could be described as…
The Quad (finally) delivers: Can it be sustained?
The Quad (finally) delivers: Can it be sustained?
On 19 March, the leaders of four important democracies of the Indo-Pacific region – the United States, Japan, Australia and India – held (virtually) their first-ever “Quad Summit…
Economic diplomacy: Global tax, education exports and Team Australia
Economic diplomacy: Global tax, education exports and Team Australia
Tax and spend US President Joe Biden may be grabbing the global headlines by boosting world growth with his big spending and international security with his telephone diplomacy…
Unresolved questions in US-India relations
Unresolved questions in US-India relations
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent visit to New Delhi was a chance for the United States and India to discuss the nature and depth of their strategic partnership –…
In India, a taste of political variety
In India, a taste of political variety
With five state elections to be contested in coming weeks, India is heading back into election mode: alcohol shops are being shuttered, petrol prices have been cut to appease…
Aggressive sea control isn’t an option for India’s navy
Aggressive sea control isn’t an option for India’s navy
An interesting debate has emerged in the pages of The Interpreter involving maritime strategy. Arzan Tarapore wrote an article last month arguing that India should prioritise a…
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The most notable takeaway from the first-ever “Quad” leaders meeting involving the US, India, Japan and Australia at the weekend was the agreement on expanding the global vaccine…
A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific
A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific
The joint statement issued following the weekend meeting of the four “Quad” leaders was titled “The Spirit of the Quad”. This title could be read as either self-affirmation or…
Sea denial is not enough: An Australian and Indian perspective
Sea denial is not enough: An Australian and Indian perspective
In recent years – and for good reason - the strategic commentariat in both Australia and India has become increasingly concerned with the rise of China’s maritime power and the…
Cracks beginning to appear in the Russia-India relationship
Cracks beginning to appear in the Russia-India relationship
India’s annual summit with Russia was cancelled last year for the first time since its inception – the official reason, as was commonly blamed for many abandoned events, Covid-19…