
The other Arab diplomatic talks with Israel
The other Arab diplomatic talks with Israel
Much publicity has been given to the news about Israel’s normalisation of relations with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and now what appears to be Sudan. But another set of…
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Increasingly deadly and destabilising  
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Increasingly deadly and destabilising  
The re-emergence of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in September 2020 over the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh has taken a much more deadly and destabilising turn…
Why is the “Arab street” so silent on the Israel-UAE deal?
Why is the “Arab street” so silent on the Israel-UAE deal?
The Abraham Accord, the deal announced this month that laid the groundwork for normalisation of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, was hailed as a historic…
Hidden seams in the UAE-Israel deal
Hidden seams in the UAE-Israel deal
The main questions about the normalisation agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates announced a week ago are why did it happen and what will it change? It’s pretty…
The essence of timing in politics
The essence of timing in politics
The 13 August announcement of a United Arab Emirates–Israel deal to normalise relations was a significant event. But at the same time, it overshadowed a number of other…
Cashing in the chips at the Trump casino
Cashing in the chips at the Trump casino
Big moves in the Middle East often seek to take advantage of a favourable political climate in Washington. And there has rarely been as favourable time in Washington for some…
Australia and Israel should be partners in Asia
Australia and Israel should be partners in Asia
The rise of Asia and growing superpower competition pose serious challenges for countries such as Australia and Israel, and they should face them together. On the one hand, Asia’s…
Israel’s democracy: a systemic problem
Israel’s democracy: a systemic problem
Israel has often been called the only democracy in the Middle East. This is not quite true. The Economist’s Global Democracy Index for 2019, which ranks 167 countries by five…
Israel’s Arabs awaken to their electoral power
Israel’s Arabs awaken to their electoral power
Members of the Arab List elected to the Israeli Knesset (parliament) at last week’s elections are walking a tightrope. The decision announced by the List’s leader, Ayman Odeh, on…
Will Israeli voters give Bibi a “get out of jail” card?
Will Israeli voters give Bibi a “get out of jail” card?
Next Tuesday’s Israeli Knesset (parliament) elections are unprecedented in the country’s history. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (“Bibi”, to friend and foe) has called them…