
Will Israeli voters give Bibi a “get out of jail” card?
Will Israeli voters give Bibi a “get out of jail” card?
Next Tuesday’s Israeli Knesset (parliament) elections are unprecedented in the country’s history. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (“Bibi”, to friend and foe) has called them…
Israel’s elections: many messiahs, but only one king
Israel’s elections: many messiahs, but only one king
Twenty years ago, Benjamin Netanyahu – “Bibi” to friends and foes alike – lost in an electoral landslide to Ehud Barak, then head of the Israeli Labor Party. It ended his first…
How Israeli elections fit – and don’t quite match – global trends
How Israeli elections fit – and don’t quite match – global trends
The likely outcome of the Israeli elections, held today, reflect the global geopolitical themes of increasing nationalism, and rejecting the moderate centre of politics. At the…
Responses to Australia’s Israel capital decision
Responses to Australia’s Israel capital decision
Some, perhaps surprising, support from Bahrain to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s decision for Australia to formally recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel while…
Australia’s Israel-Palestine conflict
Australia’s Israel-Palestine conflict
Labor was quick to pounce on a “desperate” Scott Morrison to accuse him of breaking “bipartisan foreign policy” after the prime minister flagged the prospect that Australia…