
Europe turns away from asylum-seekers
Europe turns away from asylum-seekers
Lapped by clear waters, Chios is one of five main islands wedged in the northern Aegean Sea, a stone’s throw from Turkey. Seen from the plane, the island’s interior is dotted with…
What to do after the Taliban take-over
What to do after the Taliban take-over
I am not an emotionally detached observer of Afghanistan. The country was once my second home, and I still have friends and colleagues there. Frankly, I am gutted – it is hard to…
Bringing home Australian children trapped in Syrian camps
Bringing home Australian children trapped in Syrian camps
The Covid-19 pandemic has dominated global and local news to such an extent for the last 18 months that there remains room for little else. But the aftermath of military campaigns…
Economic diplomacy: Little Australia spends slowly in the Pacific
Economic diplomacy: Little Australia spends slowly in the Pacific
Baby BRIs It is now almost three years since Prime Minister Scott Morrison muscled up to China’s infrastructure building Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with $3 billion in varied…
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
With the advance of the Taliban in parts of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of coalition forces, the question of how to help Afghans who worked intimately with Australian forces…
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
RBA governor Philip Lowe makes a reasonable point about the short-term suppression of wages in some industries. But long-run evidence shows migration lifts demand for workers…
Economic diplomacy: Trade deals for a fast-growing family
Economic diplomacy: Trade deals for a fast-growing family
Worker vs worker vs student Almost five million Kiwis have always been at least cousins. And Scott Morrison’s distinctive contribution to regional security has been his embrace…
Indians are becoming visible in Australia like never before
Indians are becoming visible in Australia like never before
Two weeks after the end of the hiatus on flights from India to Australia, the repatriation of the 9,000-plus Australian citizens who wish to return home has resumed, albeit slowly…
When border control goes over the line
When border control goes over the line
The failure of the Australian government to return citizens and permanent residents from New Delhi on the first repatriation flight to Darwin since the recent shutdown of air…
Australia and migration: Will the Covid pause become a full stop?
Australia and migration: Will the Covid pause become a full stop?
In late 2019, I published a short book titled Our Very Own Brexit, which argued that Australia might one day break from Asia as Britain had broken from Europe. The trigger I…