
Harnessing demographic destiny
Harnessing demographic destiny
Once confident predictions that the world’s population will reach 11 billion by the end of this century are beginning to be debunked. It is now appears more likely that the global…
That Trump phone call to Australia and what it means to refugees today
That Trump phone call to Australia and what it means to refugees today
When US President Donald Trump and former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull held their infamous, protocol-smashing phone call in the president’s first week in office in…
My mother’s life: faraway dreams, new growth and seeking acceptance
My mother’s life: faraway dreams, new growth and seeking acceptance
To mark Mother’s Day on Sunday, The Interpreter invited contributors to write about their mothers who shaped world politics or were shaped by it. Too often the “immigration…
Trafficking in old anxieties
Trafficking in old anxieties
Are the boats back? Once again a reliable fear of “uncontrolled” immigration has been invoked in an Australian federal election. This time current Prime Minister Scott Morrison…
Visa tussles: here come the Irish again
Visa tussles: here come the Irish again
The Irish campaign to gain access to the E-3 visa in the United States has roared back to life.  Currently, Australia is the only country with access to the 10,500 E-3 visa…
Refugees are educating themselves abroad. Australia should help
Refugees are educating themselves abroad. Australia should help
Picture this. At 68.5 million people, it’s the 23rd largest population on earth. There is no healthcare system. Going to school is often illegal. There is no social welfare…
Polls apart: how Australian views have changed on “boat people”
Polls apart: how Australian views have changed on “boat people”
Since 2005, the annual Lowy Institute Poll has been tracking the attitudes of Australians to foreign policy issues and their place in the world. The issue of boat people,…
Doctors help the moral case for border security
Doctors help the moral case for border security
On Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives passed a bill supporting the transfer of asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia for urgent medical care. The bill,…
Blocking asylum, by sea and air
Blocking asylum, by sea and air
The case of Saudi teen Rahaf Al-Qunun dramatically demonstrates the difficulties many refugees face when attempting to escape the risk of harm at home and find safety elsewhere –…
The politics of asylum-seeking: al-Qanun’s route to Canada
The politics of asylum-seeking: al-Qanun’s route to Canada
The dramatic bid for asylum by Saudi Arabian teenager Rahaf al-Qanun became the focus of international attention this month when she barricaded herself into a hotel room in…