Multilateral Institutions

The G20, Commonwealth and la Francophonie walk into a bar, and nobody notices
Earlier this month, the secretariats of the Commonwealth and la Francophonie (the French-based equivalent of the Commonwealth) met with G20 representatives in Washington, DC to…
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
At the outbreak of the global financial crisis, 2008, the G20 was widely acknowledged as helping prevent an even more serious decline in the global economy. It helped to calm the…
Syria and the Geneva conference
The so-called Geneva II conference ended last Friday.  The key to any negotiation regarding Syria is to aim low and keep one's expectations realistic. It is fair to say that UN…
The implications of emerging economies' market depth for Australia's G20 presidency
In its current print edition, the Economist has a fascinating chart that deserves much greater attention than the small section devoted to it. It matches the combined value of…
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
Policy Briefs
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
In September 2009, the Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-20 as the world’s premier forum for international cooperation. The G-20 gives East Asia a significant presence at the top…
Refining the G-20 agenda
Policy Briefs
Refining the G-20 agenda
The G-20 Leaders will meet in London in April, faced by the most serious economic downturn for seventy years. The London agenda bears two heavy burdens.Stephen Grenville
Geeing up the G-20
Policy Briefs
Geeing up the G-20
In this Policy Brief, Malcolm Cook and Mark Thirlwell make the case for a greater role for the G-20 in the international economic architecture.Malcolm Cook , Mark Thirlwell