Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament

Russia-US relations in 2021: Key things to watch out for
Russia-US relations in 2021: Key things to watch out for
Vladimir Putin is a master of keeping his political counterparts on their toes. After being among the last world leaders to congratulate Joe Biden on his victory in the United…
A “No-First-Use” doctrine would undermine American nuclear deterrence
A “No-First-Use” doctrine would undermine American nuclear deterrence
Given the widespread relief accompanying Joe Biden’s transition to the White House, it seems churlish to start picking apart his policy agenda. Yet, there are grounds for concern…
Nuclear Ban Treaty: Wishful thinking over realism
Nuclear Ban Treaty: Wishful thinking over realism
You could be forgiven for assuming that governments of the world inhabit two parallel universes. In July this year, Australia launched the 2020 Defence…
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Seventy-five years after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put beyond argument that nuclear weapons are the most indiscriminately inhumane ever devised, the distressing…
Arms control or out of control?
Arms control or out of control?
One of the most disturbing developments in international politics lately has gone mostly unnoticed by most commentators. Some will be aware that President Donald Trump has…
North Korea’s uranium and prospects of a stealthier bomb
North Korea’s uranium and prospects of a stealthier bomb
Verifying North Korea’s nuclear stockpile will be a critical part of any future disarmament negotiations. As past experience with other nations demonstrates, it is also a tricky…
It’s time to fill Asia’s arms control void
It’s time to fill Asia’s arms control void
Asia urgently needs new diplomatic initiatives aimed at reducing nuclear dangers and preventing arms racing in the region. There’s a glaring gap between the ambitious disarmament…
EU and Iran push back against US sanctions
EU and Iran push back against US sanctions
Europe has fired a shot across the bow of USS Trump in its joint press conference held yesterday with the Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif at the UN. The announcement that Europe…
Does the nuclear weapon ban treaty warrant the Nobel Prize?
Does the nuclear weapon ban treaty warrant the Nobel Prize?
This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for: Its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian…
Tactical nuclear weapons in the modern nuclear era
Tactical nuclear weapons in the modern nuclear era
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Brendan Thomas-Noone argues that advances in technology are making tactical nuclear weapons more precise and potentially more usable. He argues…