Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament

Nuclear power in Southeast Asia: Implications for Australia and non-proliferation
Nuclear power in Southeast Asia: Implications for Australia and non-proliferation
Several Southeast Asian countries continue seriously to assess the feasibility of nuclear energy, despite the 2011 Fukushima disaster. This publication explores the reasons and…
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
In this piece for the East-West Center, Washington, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia and India are hesitating at the brink of real…
India should play its part
India should play its part
In this article in new Indian publication Pragati ('Progress'), International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia alone cannot do all the running in…
Stopping a nuclear arms race between America and China
Policy Briefs
Stopping a nuclear arms race between America and China
China and America may be at the start of a destabilising nuclear arms race, as China tries to preserve its ability to deter US nuclear attack in the light of US missile defences…
Uranium for India: avoiding the pitfalls
Policy Briefs
Uranium for India: avoiding the pitfalls
Ron Walker, a former Australian Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, warns that selling uranium to India without the same legal obligations and non…
Iran, the international community and the nuclear issue: where to next?
Iran, the international community and the nuclear issue: where to next?
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis, Anthony Bubalo and Michael Fullilove examine the likely trajectory of efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear question, an issue that is likely to…
Multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle
Multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle
In a Lowy Institute Issues Brief, former Australian Governor on the Board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Lance Joseph, addresses nuclear proliferation dangers of…