
Putin believes that time is on Russia’s side – and, sadly, he has a point
Putin believes that time is on Russia’s side – and, sadly, he has a point
The political squabbles in the United States and Europe over continued aid to Ukraine epitomise the wider problem facing Kyiv’s backers: how to sustain popular, and thus,…
Russia’s shadow tanker fleet runs into trouble
Russia’s shadow tanker fleet runs into trouble
Barring new evasive techniques by Kremlin technocrats, the rapid rise in Russia’s shadow tanker fleet since the Ukraine war may be reversing as pressure is brought to bear on…
Putin’s confidence heading into 2024
Putin’s confidence heading into 2024
As 2023 draws to a close, Vladimir Putin must be surveying the world with some satisfaction and confidence. That’s certainly the impression the Russian President conveyed in his…
Russia-North Korea: Closer, but not too close
Russia-North Korea: Closer, but not too close
Recent steps towards closer Russia-North Korea relations have been met with concern and apprehension in the United States and South Korea. In September, North Korean leader Kim…
Modern Warfare: Lessons from Ukraine
Lowy Institute Papers
Modern Warfare: Lessons from Ukraine
The foremost authority on modern war in the English-speaking world examines Europe’s most important conflict since the Second World War.
1947 and now
1947 and now
A Moscow leader aggressively expanding. Conflict between Jews and Palestinians. An unpopular Democratic president in the United States suffering a polling slump one year before…
Ukraine’s energy fightback
Ukraine’s energy fightback
As the northern winter approaches, there are signs that Russia is again stepping up its bombing campaign targeting Ukrainian energy facilities. Beginning in October 2022 and…
Russia seeks benefit from the Gaza conflict
Russia seeks benefit from the Gaza conflict
For Russia, the Gaza conflict provides an opportunity – but one that could prove to have a sting in the tail. First, the war in Gaza is already distracting global political…
Ukraine: 2024 headwinds
Ukraine: 2024 headwinds
This week saw the US House of Representatives finally elect a new Speaker after a long and rancorous debate. A bill to fund continued American support for Ukraine’s war effort is…
A Marshall Plan for Ukraine?
A Marshall Plan for Ukraine?
The war must yet be won, however both German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have called for a “Marshall Plan” style commitment to…