South Korea

From Moon to Yoon: will the Korean peninsula see fire and fury return?
From Moon to Yoon: will the Korean peninsula see fire and fury return?
Conservative candidate Yoon Suk-yeol from the main opposition People Power Party has just defeated the liberal candidate Lee Jae-myung from the ruling Democratic Party of Korea to…
A foreign policy cheat sheet for South Korea’s presidential election
A foreign policy cheat sheet for South Korea’s presidential election
South Korea’s presidential election is slated for Wednesday 9 March. The race between the two leading candidates, Lee Jae-myung of the liberal Democratic Party of Korea and Yoon…
South Korea’s embrace of Australia goes beyond China
South Korea’s embrace of Australia goes beyond China
The elevation of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” between South Korea and Australia during South Korean President Moon Jae-In’s state visit last month has left analysts…
Koreas: A tale of two Olympics
Koreas: A tale of two Olympics
The presidency of South Korea’s Moon Jae-in will be bookended by Winter Olympics – one defined by hope, the other despair. North Korea has confirmed it will not participate in the…
Australia’s “China” blinders on South Korea
Australia’s “China” blinders on South Korea
Moon Jae-in’s visit to Australia brought out a troubling fact – amid the China threat hullabaloo, the ability to objectively analyse other diplomatic relationships has declined. …
Honouring the dead on the path to Korean peace
Honouring the dead on the path to Korean peace
Almost 70 years on, the Korean war is still not formally over. The United States and South Korea are in the final stages of drafting an end-of-war declaration text. Since his…
Time for South Korea to abandon the “middle power” moniker
Time for South Korea to abandon the “middle power” moniker
It’s time to stop. Please stop writing papers on South Korea as a middle power. For an author who was an early advocate for South Korea to fulfil its role as a middle power in…
Australia-Korea minilateral: A potential win-win
Australia-Korea minilateral: A potential win-win
The Australia-Korea relationship is in its sixtieth year, and although trade, historic and strategic links are strong, security cooperation is less advanced. Earlier this year, on…
With Biden’s lukewarm diplomacy, North Korea runs hot and cold
With Biden’s lukewarm diplomacy, North Korea runs hot and cold
North Korea is again following its old playbook, alternating between extending an olive branch or thorns, diplomacy or missile tests, all with the aim to extract concessions from…
North Korea’s calculated restraint
North Korea’s calculated restraint
September is an important month for South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in to make a last ditch attempt to revive relations with a recalcitrant North Korea before the presidential…